Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is Christmas?

Christmas for those of the faith is the day that is the celebrated birth of the Christ Child. A Child who came to us free of sin, to teach us of many things, love, forgiveness, sacrifice, ... a child without vice...

So what is Christmas to others... that I have yet to know but this is what i've seen,
Christmas is about giving and sacrifice
Christmas for some is about receiving, mostly the young heheh
they do not mean it maliciously, but we breed the, I want this and that...
Christmas is about forgetting about the self and thinking of others.
so i am working on that
This year for Christmas my husband went and bought a tree and put it up and also put up the lights on the house... Somethings he has never done, at least never alone, and I applaud him for his work because I just couldn't do it, i don't have the strength in me. That was a gift of giving ...and that is Christmas.

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