Friday, December 16, 2011

good and bad

My phone link is not working and I don't know why... that bits though because it limits my posts... Yesterday was a wonderful day until the jerk almost ruined it, but I am not going to let his addiction ruin my life or anyone elses if i can help it. Little Ricky Johnny and Alastair were all there to sing Happy Birthday, they are so sweet each of them. And I thank God for them because the big ones can just drive me mad. Steph ...oh no, Ricky...brat boy 1, Mikey runaway (don't blame him) and the all righteous did I create them. Giving them minds to think on their own perhaps I should have drilled the robot system into them then maybe they wouldn't be such brats. My new dr martin's boots gave me a blister on my ankle boo hooo...and now off i go to work...yek.

i believe in celebration, i believe celebration of youth and age, in celebration of good, and the hard working
i believe in celebration of freedom, of giving and grieving too.
i believe in joining together and laughing and remembrance and
saying how do you do
i believe in breaking bread together and gathering to touch and hug and just say, you are wonderful
i believe in the young and the innocence and i believe in protecting them too for the world is not a very nice place, it will stab you when youre down if you let it...

the wind is howling out my window...what is waitng for me out there, it sounds like a horror story.... eeek.... im scared, hold my hand and we will walk together through the mire, hold my hand and squeeze it tight and know you are with me even though you might not see me. Hold my hand and I will hold yours back and guide you coz i know sometimes you are lost and it is hard to find your way back again.
like any traveler on the sea in a ship blessed be.

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