Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

twas the day before Christmas and all through the land
millions and millions of people questioned, where do you stand
everyone has worries, everyone has fears, everyone has
problems or issues, or cares,
but the question remained,
where does it stop, when can people say Merry Christmas and not worried they are wrong,
How foolish it is to always be on guard, why can we just share what it is our hearts, Happy Holidays to be politically correct, it just doesn't cut it, it's make shift at best,
Happy Happy Happy
enjoy your day of rest
pretty soon we will have tape across our country stating
Caution, Don't Guess...don't ask

Boo hoo and bar humbug to those that can't see beyond themselves to others, just wish them well... and if you say Merry Christmas don't feel guilty about it.

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