Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12

Only ...13 days til Christmas and I am falling shorter than I thought I would but I am managing still... Have a drs appt about my back which is scaring it going to fall, fail, like a row of dominos...each disc letting go so that will only be able to crawl...that is what it feels like...i am nervous. without certainty where should i go from here. Time to get some stuff done ... maybe my hair...maybe my outside lights, i have to get my wreath for the front of the house, but maybe this year i wont maybe ill just decorate with the big bulbs i got...
today is mw's birthday...and i laugh as f called him the old man... just love it.
rip paul navarro
two deaths already this month, how many more?
death takes a ride through the month of december in between Thanksgiving and Christmas different than the other times of the year. The call for family and friends to be near is the theme and it gets ripped and changed and shatters dreams. So many deaths take tolls on the mind, and no wonder depression is high this time.
Feel for the families, cuddle the young, laugh and be merry and look for fun, don't dwell on the negative, look for the positive in every day, some day someday you will see the sleigh. an angel in white or a devil in red is Santa only in someone's head, lets give gifts of joy and be happy we live for tomorrow the reaper could come creep in your bed. dont ask where this dribble comes from, i'm just having some fun right now free writing.

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