Monday, December 05, 2011


An addiction is a curse. Affliction at it worst. God I am in so much pain. So much worry. I get so pissed off at other people because they judge. They have no compassion only judgement. They look upon it as a weakness of character. And it is in away but once it starts it is a cancer. A cancer if the mind. Of the body that is an evil more powerful than a nuclear bomb. It changes thoughts corrupts and weaves. It is a virus no antibiotic can kill it. No medicine can quell it. No amount if love or money can control it. I believe religion can help but religion can create problems too. I worry for my grandson. He loves his father. He is innocent. I want to protect him from the pain but it has taken root and I feel it seeping up. Spongelike absorbing. I wish I could squeeze it out

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