Friday, November 18, 2011

more about time

Let’s Have Coffee
there are people who like coffee, people who can take it or leave it, and people who can’t stand coffee, just the smell of it makes them sick.
So let’s talk about coffee, DD, Starbucks, Honey Dew, Marylou’s, name the coffee place and I’ll check and out and give you the view.
First and foremost, not all Dunkin Donuts all the same. Some Dunkin’s just don’t make the grade, on the other hand every Starbuck’s I’ve ever been too, consistency, they have it. Except for the Starbucks at the Hotel in the Marriot at Niagara Falls, not up to par, but then again the hotel had just opened.

Time goes by and stuff happens, just stuff
Everyone says, what happened...and the reply is....
Life gets in the way...
Life can be solo---life can be joint, or joined, life can be great and you give and give of yourself to certain ways and goals, and then things change
And that is gone but what is gone is filled up by something else
And you say... what happened how come we don’t talk anymore>
How come we don’t see each other any more?
Because it is not convenient...
Many friendships are friendships of convenience...they work when you are there together by fate but when the wheel changes and everything moves on often those friendships are left on the sideline...
Some friends you will have forever
And some friends you might find out were never really friends at all
But some friends when you don't get to say good bye to them because you have grown up or gone away or they did...
and then you find out that that person is dead, it can just be really really painful
This year I found out 3 people my age are dead, I never got to say good bye or hug them that is what hurts the most.

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