Sunday, November 13, 2011

found poem

Morning Walk

Daylight sun-up slacks pressed for lover
Little black pug sits in the kitchen chair
Waiting for his mother ---

She takes the jeans from the bedroom floor
Crinkled as they lie, an accordion
A snake curled, unzipped fly….

She dips her feet into them, pulling up, they slip over her skin
Without any panties there, thoughts of a warm shower
Don’t take the stale ones, save the clean ones for later.

In the pockets are slips of paper, a few pennies, and a nickel
But in the back, there is a bulge, a bulbous bump
She reaches in and her fingertips are greeted by coarse giant pebbles
Slip into the pocket by a tiny hand.

She smiles, she remembers, and she cries inside, she fears for him,
Worries, he is only part her child. If she could fix things and
Make them right she would, but she can’t change your Daddy
Or your Mommy… Each thinking what each other could or should or won’t do
There is no compromise.

jwillard july 10,2004

for my Johnny cake I love u so, I’m sorry you have to go through all this. Grammy

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