Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12

Red Soxs remain in first by a nose... How I love their fight. Mike Vrabel is retiring ...to go on to coaching, nice Mike. Wish you the best of luck... like you know me or I know you...

Yesterday was a complete disaster--- work was --- family just too much...
But my carriers they got my number and called me...now I have theirs, and I've snuck them into my contacts....Hey they called me first.

Not really interested in going in today but I will give it my best shot.... going quickly to shower and off I will go and I will get out of there asap. The weather is much too nice to spend it working at the job…
Worked on the garden late last night...hahah..something about working outside at night peaceful and although warm, not stifling, not sweating, not sun drenched, sun burnt, or dehydrated -- well maybe a little bit.
but I will get to look at the garden this morning in semi-light and get home early enough in the day to make it right. did not realize that I needed so much mulch.
This afternoon will work on the raised garden and making a sign for it in memory of Maria's Mom. She should like that...at least I hope.

Dianna went to the dentist-- something went wrong with her gums, Steph said the same thing happened to her. I really do forget about stuff…. I am just worried about DD... And that little Baby Alastair is just too cute. Barely got to see him yesterday, today I hope I get to see him more.

In the Garden

Small plot of land, where a few could be buried
With Lilacs in the spring
And Starlights in the morning light
And Morning Glories too
Day Lilies and Heather
And others, that I need to look up their names…
Will this always be true?
You give me so much pleasure when I walk out my door
Or sit on my steps
Or just think about you, pretty picture in my head
Stones set to cross the line
Johnny, And Ricky stepping from
Stone to stone, looking beneath the lilies for statues
Unknown, discovering in a little plot
Joy, glee, and serenity

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