Thursday, July 07, 2011

email posts gone bad etc

tried the email post 2x this morning...not working ..will try again later...
the Sox's are .5 out of first...not bad i can live with that...they just need to keep it kicking for now. How it got to be July 7th I do not know..but it is here and so much has happened... and is happening... have to get a strategic plan set up for the fall -- It just seems crazy how quickly things change and how much I learned... being at a c-section can open one's eyes and mind--- and spending 50 consecutive hours with your daughter as she is going through the laboring process can teach you alot about yourself...
the sacrifices you make are sometime the best things you can do for your life and your loved ones.
just closing your mouth sometimes is also a good thing to learn...
take in that quiet and reflect
somethings just are not worth it
but then there are the other things that speak up for them...but think about it first.

I had a long discussion with my Mom last night about things that are important and things that are not...

my kids happiness and well-fare is important but not at the expense of my
husband and myself...

all other things as in material "things" are not really important to me as long as I have a clean house and can do the things I like... ran into Leslie from Dot Art... she wants me to go by her place for wine or tea...I'll do the Tea...and make it soon. She is not well

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