Friday, July 29, 2011


Just when I think there is hope. It all gets dashed away. I don't understand my kids sometimes. And they are not kids. They are adults. Or are they?


Thursday, July 28, 2011


Emotions. Why do I have to have then?

New day

Today I will make the blueberry cakes that I was not able to make because we had no eggs. I guess they saw no necessity to purchase them. The family is busy and crazy. This house could be a sitcom. Crying baby. Busy 5 year old turning on and off the lights . Michael yapping. H having a difficult time R just being his controlling bossy self. And I wishing I was still at the cape with my mom. All too much.

Fred has agreed to go to NYC. By bus. Wow in September. This is going to be something! Now to find a hotel and get the tickets.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Call from the wilds

Dd was texting me since 2 pm. Phone ringing. I was only gone not even 3 days I wonder what they would do if I wasn't here. Too much. Worried about Mom. 1 chicken wing is not enough supper. I wonder if she would have eaten more if I was staying. My brothers are good for fattening her up !

Little hats

Monday, July 25, 2011


Down the cape with my Mom... she is really weak, she has a cough and she is scheduled for a cardiac study on friday... I want to run away and hide... I think she could go to sleep and not wake up that is scary to me..... i have to keep on and so i will

found poem

Endless string wrapped around the present longing
To go past hanging on the future
us together
we cleave to each other
is there something wrong with that?

Comfort is what it is
Comfort like a pillow fresh linen crisp casing
A down quilt made like a hot bath after a long cold day
like your hand holding - make me breath
it is not what people think it is ….
it is what people make it is….

Today I feel the emptiness of something
Tears in my eyes, deep rooted sadness
Is there someone or something wrong
Askew tipped upside down and not right
I ask you - you ask me - I kiss your lips goodbye
But tonight … where will we be

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Love. Just love


of course I wake up to rain... this is supposed to help me vacation... no yardwork, no swimming, not a happy camper... i would like sunshine today especially since I decided to spend the night in bed... i can tell my boredom rate is going to be high...tomorrow I will take off for the cape to spend some girl time with Momma. She says she wants to try to drive and so we will make it happen. An experience I am totally looking forward to. Live a little bring on the edge
bring on the I can do it even though everyone else says I can't attitude.
I like it.
I suppose that is why I always get into trouble.
oh well

Heather's bday

Steph with her car

How fast time goes. Alastair is 1 month old

Saturday, July 23, 2011

On vacation

Finally a break from the place. Was a difficult week to say the least.

Starry Night Good morning Moon

Friday, July 22, 2011


Such a sense of loss with the HP series over...nothing to look forward to except for hp marathons ... loved the movie in the end...but it feels like a blow..not a crushing one, but mentally on the mind.
it is amazing to me how people can be absolutely mental about something they've got themselves into when there is not reason for craziness...relax breath...the group mentality pervades the system always...walk away from it ..just walk and keep walking.

Thursday, July 21, 2011