Tuesday, September 13, 2005

real people, unreal me

Today I witnessed two -- I need a 'reality check' situations...

First, I was driving down the Avenue. Now our Avenue is 5 miles long, it goes from the Fort Point Chanel downtown Beantown to Milton where the original George Bush was born. It's famous for a bar on every corner and ethnicities... A little Polish, A little Irish, A little Indian, as in from India, a little Vietnamese, a little Greek, a little Common Ground, Dunkin Donuts, plenty of gas stations, sub shops, nextels, corner stores, and as I mentioned earlier many a bar.

About Half way down the Avenue you will find "Fieldsie"... A place my mother never let me frequent as a child, and a place I still don't frequent as an adult. None the less, many people I know do frequent this 'hood.' They say on Friday and Saturday nights you'll find the best of the best in this square...Especially
at the Blarney Stone.
Now the Blarney used to have no windows -- It was a barn like drink and food establishment, a one story exterior, with no loft. Inside you would find a mahogany bar, and lots of large wooden chairs and tables, corned beef and cabbage, and Guiness, and Bud on tap.... an Irish pub haunted by many, frequented by locals.

The no smoking indoors law created a changed: indoor bars famous for their food and regulars created outdoor spaces.

The Blarney Stone took the law instride and did a complete make over on the exterior, installing windows that meet street level and rise to nearly the roof. They put in a patio, a place for smoking patrons to eat, drink, and be merry. The patio has iron gates and tables, and greenery that blocks the view from the Avenue.

They did this place over right.

Every morning I usually see the proprietor sweeping the sidewalk and the gutter keeping things neat and tidy. But today in front of the Blarney, I saw a man, with one short arm. I couldn't tell if it was short because of an accident or birth defect... His clothing was neat and it looked clean, a Red Sox shirt ok---and he was carrying a small plastic bag with stuff in it. I don't know why I noticed him. I was looking for the Blarney Stone Sweeper, instead I saw this clean cut man leaning into a corner by a Blarney Stone window. What was he doing? I stared. Poor man, missing an arm, did he drop something? I felt my nose wriggle and my face squinch, I was really really really pissed. The one armed man, I had felt an aire of sympathy for, was turning and zipping up his shorts, seeing the wetness on the building set me off.
Of course when I reported this story to others, they laughed, hahahah. "Wasn't expecting that were you?" Reality check me out please. Whizzz

My second awakening came shortly after that.

I work for Nepolianna. Many times she has said things that I've called her on, "You have spent the last 10 minutes criticizing me." Nepolianna's ususal reply, "What did I say? When did I criticize you?"

Today, I witnessed another attack of Nepolianna against my co-worker, whom I'm glad to say didn't quit, but I am very worried about her (as I am about my self after today.)

Nepolianna began questioning D about what she was doing.
D replied,
"You left this on my desk. I thought this was what you wanted me to prepare for the meeting?"
Nepolianna sighed so loud I thought she was snoring."Why would you think I want that. I am going to discuss with you" _--- and so forth went the conversation, with Nepolianna's pitch so high I thought she was plucking her vocal cords... But, Earlier my co worker had called the boss to ask her a few questions and Nepolianna said she would be in the office shortly and hung up. Almost 2 hours later Nepolianna showed up. ---- and what a mood she brought with her. Later as my co worker was crying in the ladies room, Nepolianna turned to me and said, "D is losing it. I don't know why she is so upset." I bit my tongue. Later that day ---as I am supposed to leave by 1:30.... and it was almost 2 Nepolianna said to me, "You must run, I am not the one keeping you"
"Yes Nepolianna, you are."
"No, I am not!" she replied.
And I said to her, "didnt you ask me to do this at 1:29 when you knew I was due to leave."
But she didnt hear me because she didnt care to hear what I said. By the time I walked home I was stamping my feet like a child, I was just p.o'd. Why am I doing this to myself. Reality check me out. time for a little fantasy...I am going to do something drastic this week I can feel it. Skipping spell check ...maybe later.

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