Sunday, September 11, 2005


My daughter in law is over due for her baby. She said she thought he would be born today, but I said, "I am hoping not"; September 11th is like Pearl Harbor Day, but then again, 12- 7 --- was the date my husband and I started dating, and it was the date my father died, so maybe 9-11 could be the date this new life comes into this world.

I think when an important date comes into your life, it can be born into it. A date that you remember easily is a new life, a new home--. But there are some really important dates that just get tangled up into others. I am trying to figure out why this happens. Are those dates less important than others?
No, but is there something significant we do that determines days and dates that are remembered or saved and others discarded or forgotten or saved but just not mentioned..... is this determined by some extraneous calendar-- trained thought release... arghhh

Some 'times" are days that become muddled, like what day did New Orleans become a puddle? and what day did New Orleans fall and fail....? and what day, was there one specific day that this anarchy just happened.... it didn't happen in a day, it didn't happen in one night, it took a long was the while ...the 4 days it took the ships to get there... ludicrous.... I have been reading so many papers on line --- so many good writers. So much tragedy, in so few weeks. I connect myself by reading, then disconnect by writing. I cannot write about it yet. I can only say one thing that I know is true. Some times people ignore "things" because it is easier to ignore than to make "good" --- am I talking right or wrong here? Patience, I remind my senses, look for the good -- it is there.

meanwhile back in this little world of ours...
My husband was watching TV the other night while I was babysitting. After I got home and into bed, he said, without any prior conversation, "They had the most ufo sightings in July of 1952. I could be part alien."

I felt myself grin,"that's all right with me," and we went on discussing intelligent life elsewhere...
later I reminded him, "I certainly hope so, I'd like to meet your real family someday." and we laughed. So I am married to a half-breed, part earthling and a seed from someplace else...

meanwhile my husband says, "we are on the edge," and it is true, as we are waiting for this baby to come, it is almost as bad as having one on the way ourselves. Patience patience....

To distract myself I am writing way too much foolishness, and avoiding house work..... which now I have to do.... Oh close the pool too.

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