Friday, September 16, 2005

New Baby

Little Ricky



Ricky William W.
born September 15th 8:41 p.m.
8lbs 4 oz

blonde hair, blue eyes,
a little pointed head, hard delivery, but able to smile
cries for his Mom when he hears her voice
1st night midnight visit by Grammy and Papa
showed off his big smile, short grin, little groan, wriggle and big pout of his little lips
with his eyes peeking, he tried to suck on his hand or finger or thumb, couldn't tell, as all was buried beneath his t-shirt ---
the wrap around wrap up kind that keeps new babies from scratching themselves.
if not for the blue striped tag in his bassinet wouldn't be able to tell he is a boy, peachy skin, not a blemish, Eyes like his Mom's, Lips like his Dad's, and a nice loud cried to let you know he is there.

Papa was a proud papa indeed. He even held the tyke before I, I could feel him glowing with pride, just as his son....the new Dad

Got the phone call shortly after the birth, I didn't care what they named him, all I wanted to hear was that Mother and Child were fine. It had been a long night into day into evening. The Mom had an ok, but not easy delivery, much longer than any of mine, but the New Mom looked good, her face wasn't flushed, she was swollen and sore and she was surprised.

I kissed her head and said,"Welcome to motherhood." And she replied,"I'm never doing that again." My husband and I laughed. It isnt easy. Then she said, "I only had to push for an hour, and it felt so good to get him out!" We laughed again. Her happiness filled the room, and the new Dad came in with the new boy. ..., my mind wandered.... I'll get him trains, like J --- and back further to

Earlier in the night, I had been babysitting my oldest grandson, J, he was restless, he wanted to play with his trains. I told him it was late and he had to go to bed. He insisted on playing. So I said, "Ok I'm not going to lie down with you. You'll have to go to bed." He fussed a bit, then I heard him playing with his Thomass and I laughed to myself as I threatened him from the sofa, "You best get into that bed, Grammy is mad at you for making her be a mean Grammy because you won't go to sleep."
Soon, I checked on him, soundly snoring with his Koala bear beside him. I kissed him, and felt a little sad that I had to be so strict with him. He does love playing Thomas and he loves it when I play with him.

Inside my head I kept thinking of the soon to be new parents, are they going to be ok... Mom, Baby, Dad? Earlier in the day my tyrant boss said the wrong thing to me when I told her I was worried as the baby was going to be born. She said,"I feel sorry for you." a reference I knew to the circumstances of them not having a place of their own and 'life goals' for the new parents being unsettled.... and at times unsettling -- still....

I replied, "But why? I am not worried about anything but the health of Mother and Child. There can be many complications in childbirth." I shook my head and was glad to leave on time.

Some people don't get "It." "It" here being that love may not be all they need, but love is a beautiful thing. There has never been a thought in my mind that our new grandson came about because of something other than love. His life is a gift. I know the new parents have a strong love and I hope that love will bring them the strength they will need to give this baby a wonderful life.

Love is a well parents draw on when they have trouble and strife, love is what binds them to work together to create a better life, Love is not a fix-a-tive, it is an ingredient --- like water to the body, love to the soul, love = life.

Yes I know, one can not survive on love alone, but it helps alot.

More on little Ricky or Will and our visit later

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