Saturday, April 22, 2006

Training I dont wan

Training  I don’t want to forget

More of THE FIRM

I have one week to go in this program.  I am a bit dismayed for I am wondering just what will happen to me.  Will I quit?  Will I be assigned an early or a late end?  Will I end up in a big station or a small station?  

It really doesn’t matter to me, for the truth is I will still just be only an ASP graduate, but I will be a “real” supervisor which has been my goal since deciding to try to get into the program.

I feel lucky that I was trained by Dawnmaire my first few weeks as I really had a lot to learn.  She was patient with me, and also followed protocol that we were taught in class.  But the last few weeks have been a horror show for me, first being put with Brian Coyne who flunked someone out of our class, and then tried to flunk me too, because I dated to say that every station was different.  

Now here I am again in a situation that I have tolerated but certainly have not excelled in.  The first day I was with Tom B he trashed my class Too many ptf’s that don’t know the business.  I know people who have been 204b’s for 5t years that were not taken into the program….etc.  How much am I supposed to just say ok ok….
And stuff was  brought up---
Information about our class that only people in the class could or should know.  Humm, who is the informant.  

Then of course, Janet Gomes flunked out.  “She’s the first one we’ve lost”  Yeah, well what can I say.  I don’t know why Janet didn’t pass, she only needed a 1. In my mind she either wasn’t trained or she just blew the test.  TB and all the other supervisors talk about the financial supervisor all the time behind her back.  It is really disgusting.  This is not a good place for me to be but I am just going to deal with it.

Week 2.  More of the same, questioned without being taught.  Not allowed to really do anything.  David Y the manager was leaving.  I requested to do a service talk, No one said wait, The entire episode was chaotic.  Tom B spends most of his time in the office and on the phone.  He bangs the desk with his fist while working things out on paper, he’s actually pretty scary.  Not someone I would call for help.  Jim Holland reamed him for inaccurate projections.  I need to learn that stuff but he is not teaching me and that sucks.

Office hours change, street hours never change.  I don’t make myself clear enough.  How can I when I feel so intimidated.  I am putting on the face and going with the flow as soon as I graduate I am going to get someone to teach me what I need to know.  Right now I am just going to put up and shut up, I’ve been in enough trouble.
God help me is all I can say.

Week 15

This week has been a nightmare.  I called  ville  the week before trying to do the right thing.  

Barbara have a nice vacation.
Do you want me to work Saturday?
What time should I report?

I was informed that Jillian was shooting her mouth off.  That the manager of Cheut Hill was brought into pedc.  

My thoughts, Well what do you want me to say?  
What happened?  

Well that girl has just made herself a bunch of enemies.

Ok Tuesday reported to work.  TB says nothing.  He is at the supervisors stand up desk instead of the office.   I go to the computer in the office and start some morning work…The printer is not working.  I go to the stand up desk where Tom tells me we need a new cartridge etc….

I ask--- How is everything?
What’s going on?
Not much,

Tom works the number in Tacs and Doir.  He says nothing to me.
Later he asks, “: Have you done an 1838?”  Yes I answer.  He takes me to case--- you’re going to count out Keefe.  
It is 7:30 the carriers are coming in.  He counted the mail etc.  I start the count down I am working.  Jen Bren prf comes to the case instead of Keefe.  I still count her.  She declined to count herself.  It is about 8.  I go to Tom and Mike DeM at the stand up desk.  “You are going to work the floor.”  Tom B says.

I ask well what has been done, what has been put into Dois.  He says all the paper work is done.  I really dislike this man; he is just not a good trainer.  Great Supervisor, no doubt but not a good trainer.  Just like Be Cy, knows the job but doesn’t know hoe to teach it.  Arghh more of the same shit…

Later I go into the office TB is in a snit about having to change and adjust clerk schedules because the other supervisor, who was a clerk, doesn’t do her job, at least according to TB.  

The oppression I felt was horrid.

At the end of the day, I spend time trying to pry open TB’s mind.  We have a talk that I think he productive.  
I found out the only reason why I was on the floor was because Jim Holland called.  He wants to know if you can work the floor?“Well” I asked, “What do you think?”
“I don’t know.”

Well that was honest, how could he know.  First of all, the first two weeks in the station I followed Barbara around like a puppy.  The carriers even made jokes about it.  But hey, that goes with the territory.  

The next week, Barbara let me count mail and work with the carriers, but she sells the time, and when she is off one morning as I was selling time, Mike Do takes the clipboard from me, like I was doing something unthinkable.  The look on his face was one of horror.  I know they are thinking, she’ll sell out the ship.  There was no feedback about anything.  I request my evaluation from BH two days in a row, Friday and Saturday….and was told, don’t worry about it.  I will get it to you.  

That week was ok, but Barbara didn’t have me do any of the time changes that are regularly done … ?  Nor could I do the schedule, “Not my schedule!” she said.

What am I supposed to do?  She also said, “When I was in training I wasn’t allowed to do anything?”  Hummm what is up with this…. I hear that a lot.

There is no consistency in the program that is the truth about the trainers…..

Anyway…Back to TB  -- so how could he evaluate my floor performance or any of my performance… So he let me know that I was going to work the floor and he wss going to be hard on me.

So yesterday, he reamed me for not pivoting because we had 18 extra hours in the office.  And I didn’t even ask him, why would I ask him anything, every time I asked him something he seemed annoyed.  When I asked him Thursday what his impression of the day was, he said he hadn’t made the decision yet.  We were under in DOIS and I knew it.  But I just let it go… I had saved time even though I had to run the list.  Did he say anything to me on Friday, no he didn’t.  He looks at me as a lesser because I was a clerk, not a carrier.  What a big head this man has!  

About the 18 hours, I would have loved to say to him, well let me see, you did the schedule, You called in the entire F set to cover the day when you didn’t need to.  If you hadn’t called in every person I could have pivoted people, but You called them in for 8, and you think I am going to send home the two subs who get the shit end everyday,  That would not be how I treat my complement.  For another fact, You think that I don’t know that Ed L was on a tirade in ally 58 because of the steward election.  I was down there, but I did not intervene, I am only here next week, and it is not my place to get involved in something that has been going on in this station for months, and this employee felt obligated to voice his opinion.  That is necessary for the work force to be able to speak.
So then he went on about the mail flow, hey, I was paying attention, I was the one who made sure Dale was going to do the hub, I also didn’t answer about the iop report because if I said that to you again, I was afraid you would take my head off again as you did a couple of weeks ago.

More stuff was said this week about my class, and about Jillian.  Really I felt like saying, you are so big headed….. TB the great! whooptido

However the same courtesy is not afforded to me, for I don’t even have as much power as a 204b, I cant go out on the street and do any kind of street work without someone, I can’t do 3971’s even though the manager told me to do so, but I didn’t say to him, Mike I cant do them, T B told me so.  I am so sick of this.

He says I miss volume but I didn’t miss volume: they inflate their volume, they also don’t count their curtailment.  I am so pissed right now it is not funny.  I need counseling from this.    Is this the way it is going to be when I get to a station?

If my manager hammers me because I mess up, fine and dandy, but my trainer  hammers me without me messing up, or about me messing up because I go to him or I don’t go to him.  Geesh.  God help me!!!

My trainer is not training me, he is testing me.  Had I know I was going to have to jump through hoops, I might not have even bothered to try to succeed.  My entire disposition toward the program has changed.  It sucks.  

My friend is also complaining that they too are not getting the training they need.

Some are left to sit and do nothing, others are told to do mundane tasks.  Others are told to be quiet.  Others are told you don’t cut the mustard.  When I get through I am going to write something about this to the postmaster.  I best wait for if I open my mouth now they probably won’t pass me.  

It is the FIRM

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