Friday, March 03, 2006


for what reason (s) am i crying today?

test stress maybe
God I hope I passed, it doesnt feel good though!

life stress maybe

lack of support no from some yes from others

the unbearable truth that i am a perfectionist and want to get
everything right but that 100% factor is not always possible no matter how much i study

wishing that this program was over and i could stop being under the gun

knowing some classmates failed and i didnt realize it was happening but i would have liked to try to help ---- perhaps they could have used some support earlier

knowing our elected class president has become a self obsessed asshole ---this really sucks

worrying about my daughters
worrying about my sons
worrying about my husband

wanting to just lay down and cry ...

so what does this translate into


inside i am ripped up
broken split into piece of pie

fear is the card face up face down spinning around

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