Thursday, March 09, 2006

1 am

awake, used to getting up at i am awake at 1 after only a few hours of sleep...i was so exhausted

the news that i passed my test came late, almost 5 days, such stress...
2 more people from the class are gone.
31 down to 22, nearly a third.

someone said, will they question who was picked?
some said, they system isnt fair
some said, as I have said, it is unnerving to go day to day and not have a clue where you will end up ... it is like military training, do as you are told to do, question only what you are allowed to question.

I keep focused, it is what I have to do. Tomorrow I should find out my new assignment.... if it is a later day I might be able to take the T. It is much healthier to travel by T. keeps your alert. This Sunday is the Sopranos, finally. I think they have something subliminal in there show otherwise why am I so addicted

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