Sunday, August 14, 2011

August 14th

Sunday morning up early, do not want to waste the day. It is so easy to lay in bed and do nothing, read, watch tv. But I don't, I can't, restless, got up and did the usual Sunday cleaning, bathrooms, vacumn, --- wondering all the while what I should make for dinner, today, Meatloaf, and meatballs, and a sauce to go with them. They like the homemade meatballs not the ones already made: they'll eat them but complain the entire meal, so I won't buy them anymore, who wants to listen to complaints. Not I

Complaints ruin the day. Just be happy, content and enjoy that you are here on the planet, today you are not working, today you get to relax and just be home here, it isn't bad when there is no one complaining or bickering.

My kids bicker, it drives me mad. I really don't want to hear it, it is then when I say take me else where so I don't have to hear this bs. And that is another thing, complaining: yes I am because I am now deaf in my right ear. How wonderful is that?!

Another day gone by the way side. I do think it would be wonderful to have two days off in a row...but I don't know when that is going to happen. arghh.
which brings me to the matter of the topics going on in the house...

Politics: hot hot topic. and my husband who is tweeting wtracker2

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