Sunday, January 15, 2006

same ole questions

i love the rain, warm rain in winter feels likes the spring
reminds me of flowers and budding trees yet it is not spring but
still winter and today all is frosted
i too am frosted, tired from driving around for 7 hours doing necessary things.... oh really
Hermes the chinchilla to the vet --- dehydration - bring back in 6 days is only an hour drive to the vet .... it is always the same old question, people or proximity

i used to choose proximity, now i am beginning to thing about people, how many people, such as how long will the wait be at the vets, there was no wait, but there was an hour long drive, and an hour spent lost in the backroads of southeast massachusetts where I literally pulled over at one point and cried out to my daughter, "i fear we will never find a highway again" .... I dont think she took me seriously for one moment during this torture except when I criticized her and told her she was useless as the map from mapquest, little did I know that the street map, my son who drives quite a bit uses, was right behind her seat, what an idiot I am sometimes!!! How much does a navigation system cost anyway?

I did manage to escape from the woods to do some food shopping, get 7 new blinds, I am in the process of replacing all the blinds, well not all but ... a few... and clothes shopping for the spoiled younger daughter who needed a new outfit for today and the next day too. Geesh, what ever happened to my promise of "no"

anyway I dont miss my old job, or my old boss at the non profit. adios amigo. and i could complain about her rude ness but i am just going to let it go.

then there is "the program" --- I actually like it! I am in school with an old friend, and some new ones. Of course there is controversy! The first test was not overwhelmingly hard, but yes, it was still stressful. I hate taking tests!!! One woman left the test and then when back in.... I wonder what is going to come of that little walkoff... There are many students up in arms about it. I know the woman, if she is thrown out of the program, she will flip out. I dont know what is going to happen with that....

Well, i am really avoided the ole question of how I am going to just accept that the boys couldnt pull it together in Denver, but I love them anyway! NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Keep the Faith -- We love you Next Year will be here soon enough! And I for One will be ready for some Football yeee haahh
but this year is not over yet ---

I wonder if Indy will win? humm Im looking at those Seahawks

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