Sunday, January 29, 2006


As I sit in my kitchen, taking the first sips of my coffee that was brewed three hours ago, I spy two brooms and one mop, and I remember my second mop is in the bucket in the hallway waiting to be either groomed, or put to another task and I laugh.

I have four brooms and three mops, each has a task, one broom is for the outside steps and deck, sidewalk, and driveway, one broom is for the cellar, one broom is for the porch, and one broom is for the kitchen, hallway and other areas strictly indoors and upstairs. One mop is for the kitchen, one mop is for the deck, and the third mop is for the bathrooms. Each broom and mop is a different size,weight, color, and head. Straw, plastic, woven,, yellow, blue, black, and oh I forgot to mention that I do have a Swiffer for I have a pet, and also a vacumn cleaner. Clean floors? I'm working on that.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

kids grow up

sometimes the things you want come along, and then, poof they are gone just in that moment of the coming and going

why do young people leave home and get their own apartments, houses, etc?

because they want to make their own rules.

It is a man's right to do what he does in his own home, one that he has worked for and paid for his entire life.

Smoking is bad in today's society. The pressure on smokers is enough for them to say, I'll never quit just because you hate it so much.

I am tired of my daughter in law complaining about my husband. He is mine regardless of how unpolished he can be at times. I think I will make my list of complaints about her.

She leaves cups, baby bottles, and dirty baby clothes where ever.

She always is complaining about something.

She slams doors.

She fights with my son everyday about stupid things.

She thinks that just because she lives in this house she should have a say on who does what.

On the positive side, since living here
I can count on my five fingers the number of times she has cleaned anything.
I can count on less than five fingers the number of times she has done laundry.
I can count the numerous times that she sat in the back room smoking cigarette, after cigarette when she first came to live here.

I better stop now before I continue my bad thoughts.

This girl of 25 needs to do some growing up. IF you dont like it go live someplace else.

You'd rather have me and my baby go to a shelter.

GO! I am so tired of hearing doors slam and stomping feet everyday. Even my own children out grew that by the time they were 10 grown up you spoiled brat

Sunday, January 15, 2006

same ole questions

i love the rain, warm rain in winter feels likes the spring
reminds me of flowers and budding trees yet it is not spring but
still winter and today all is frosted
i too am frosted, tired from driving around for 7 hours doing necessary things.... oh really
Hermes the chinchilla to the vet --- dehydration - bring back in 6 days is only an hour drive to the vet .... it is always the same old question, people or proximity

i used to choose proximity, now i am beginning to thing about people, how many people, such as how long will the wait be at the vets, there was no wait, but there was an hour long drive, and an hour spent lost in the backroads of southeast massachusetts where I literally pulled over at one point and cried out to my daughter, "i fear we will never find a highway again" .... I dont think she took me seriously for one moment during this torture except when I criticized her and told her she was useless as the map from mapquest, little did I know that the street map, my son who drives quite a bit uses, was right behind her seat, what an idiot I am sometimes!!! How much does a navigation system cost anyway?

I did manage to escape from the woods to do some food shopping, get 7 new blinds, I am in the process of replacing all the blinds, well not all but ... a few... and clothes shopping for the spoiled younger daughter who needed a new outfit for today and the next day too. Geesh, what ever happened to my promise of "no"

anyway I dont miss my old job, or my old boss at the non profit. adios amigo. and i could complain about her rude ness but i am just going to let it go.

then there is "the program" --- I actually like it! I am in school with an old friend, and some new ones. Of course there is controversy! The first test was not overwhelmingly hard, but yes, it was still stressful. I hate taking tests!!! One woman left the test and then when back in.... I wonder what is going to come of that little walkoff... There are many students up in arms about it. I know the woman, if she is thrown out of the program, she will flip out. I dont know what is going to happen with that....

Well, i am really avoided the ole question of how I am going to just accept that the boys couldnt pull it together in Denver, but I love them anyway! NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Keep the Faith -- We love you Next Year will be here soon enough! And I for One will be ready for some Football yeee haahh
but this year is not over yet ---

I wonder if Indy will win? humm Im looking at those Seahawks

Friday, January 06, 2006

morning not my own

i used to own my morning time -- send children off to school, then i went to school myself, while husband slept the day away for he worked that horrid 11 -7 shift. he wouldnt sleep if i was here and he didnt sleep when i wasnt here either, but school made my days less stressful in many ways, I did what i had to do in the house, lived a very programmed life, and maintained it all somehow. Monday. I will start 'school' again, but a different kind of school, a training program that will last for 4 months, everyone's needs are just going to have to be met before or after my hours. how will this work? I honestly am just going to put my foot down, two feet down, no no no, no i will not baby sit in the am before work, no i will not drive you here or there, no you cannot have my car, no i will not drop this off, no i will not stop and get this and that or that either. NO. I will take this word to heart. All good parents need to learn to tell their children NO from the start or else they become spoiled brats. Like mine> ? Yeah they are.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

tears ---- just leave me alone

self pity, self possessed self pity.... i suffer from them both at this moment.

my son is going to get his license and leave ...go to Tennessee because he can skate year round there and there is a job waiting for him, and he just needs to go he says

i said to my husband ...well now is the time for him to go, he has no responsibilities, and he needs to grow up, so maybe he is the type that needs to do so on his own. if we tell him, no stay, he can go anyway, or he may resent us: you made me stay, you wouldnt let me go, so now is the time. I agree... regardless of the less than perfect circumstances.... "at least he isnt saying he is going to join the service." i said.
hubby said, "i'd feel better if he said he was."

too horrified, i have taken my tears into my office. never over my dead body i would say. but i know he needs to choose his own path. i really dont want him to go so far away, but... i will let go if i need to and just pray. i will rejoice in his willingness to be free from parents, family and what ever else holds him here.