Friday, August 12, 2005


It's nearly 8 am. I've done dishes, laundry, and thought about the day. Need to take my shower, wake up my daughter, and just get on with things. Someone read this blog. I thought no one ever read it. That was interesting.
Note: people make assumptions all the time, shared opinions. I know I do... So what does that mean about people ... general statement: no one likes to be alone, human nature compares, why is it competition? is it one teaching another? It is difficult to not be a teacher when you know something.... many of us are teachers without being teachers. why cant or dont I find a teaching job? I think it is fear.... What is fear?
is there a standard? I am not in the box? who is not in the box? is he or she out of the box? what is the box?
why cant it be a ball?
if we think too much we can drive ourselves mad with thought
if we don't think at all others will think we are crazy or selfish or some other label
at this moment I am mad at the world, I want something I will never get without working at it. arghhh and then there is all the other bs that will come because ive made a decision, why cant decisions just be given to us at times,
decisions given to us arent always easy to take, but you adjust. the decisions you have to make and do well those are the most difficult.
i know why my husband is my best friend... because no matter how difficult things are, no matter how upset or frustrated I get, no matter how many curve and spit balls life throws at me, he is always here to say, it's okay, or what did you expect and he reminds me to laugh, he never ignores my pleas or phone calls that I make indiscriminatively since I've acquired a cell phone, and he understands my Mother which is something I've never been able to do.
Random note: I love the Boston Red Sox but I can't even get a ticket to a game. geesh where are those 1.50 bleacher tickets I got when I was a kid?

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