Monday, October 17, 2011

october 17

no much time ...running late. was at Mom's for 3 nights ..4 days... she is okay but not that great. So weak too many surgerys in one month. She baked yesterday which was wonderful. Key: do things you like to do that keep you busy and build strength. This Friday is Peter Pan. Mark you calendar....what fun it should be.

otherwise too much bs in work. have a lot to do to straighten out my unit and get everyone on board...looking forward to making cupcakes this fall and winter and having a little fun with that. Will go to restuarant depot and get a giant sized cupcake pan to bake many at a time. No I am not tired of cupcakes!

Fall romps, MFA to see Degas, MOS for Pompei and the new omni, Peter Pan this weekend and Diana down at Foxwoods. Today shop for material for costumes. Don't know if that is happening or what.

The gray granny is dead. It was killed by a driver who failed to yeild. On would go the saga of no good deed goes unpunished.

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