Thursday, October 27, 2011

last thursday oct2011

rolling out

like a great big pumpkin ripe in the garden ready to pick
to make a jackolantern, funny or chic
like the leaves that linger by stem to a twig
crisp like chips bagged or set free
like the scent in the air gone is the seabreeze
and smoke replaced by autumn gust clean
and blown time rambles on like a runner
keeping pace children once toddling
now in the race
my heart yearns for those days of carefree
existence, unaware of the world and its keeper
of resistence, shaded by family, surrounded with love
no knowledge of struggle, or money or doubt
although they linger waiting to tingle the thread
and pounce as a cat playing with a mouse
i kiss this morning like many others
with lips sure and pursed planted upon them
the love, i can't explain it, it takes all away
and blessed i go on,
today unscathed.

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