Friday, September 30, 2011


Same ole wine, same ole cry
same ole me wondering when or why
same things from the past that haunt
same things in the dawn that taunt
same ole life, never not ever
there is always something going on

woke to find Johnny in the tv room with the light one
turned it off took my shower and poof...the light is on again

crazy morning ...stayed at the hospital too late but i really dont care
not back to work...
ugh...that is that same ole bad hat for sure

Thursday, September 29, 2011

just ridiculous

The Red Sox, I have not let them break my heart this year, but last night's fiasco... and yes it was Papelbon just didn't have it, he hasn't had it ... they keep smaking him. Just Digusted. On the other hand, Mom is in the ICU from her surgery, will go visit today. SOOOO excited. Hooray, she's got it going on.

Back to reality the job the people that are just pissed off and the world. ugh.

Went to my sister's and picked up the easel she gave to me, it is awesome, now to get a plan to get some work done. oh yeah!!
bye bye Red Sox
clean out those lockers, and do some head knocking because YES you blew it
I still love you, but you are being the same ole Red Soxs.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

awe bye bye nice car

well it was nice to have a new car for a few days. she has been returned and i am still looking for a new vehicle. it is sooo difficult to decide and the test driving and the dealers and the time it takes...sooo involved. feels great to be not working...but wish i could relax.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sept 26

Funny how time goes by. Tears in my eyes tonight. My
Mom says she is nervous. I nervous. It was nice for bus and I to go away it really took my mind off it. But she said to me tonight. The dr in la said I don't have long if I don't have this done. And I'm just not living this way. So it is in God's hand. Whatever happens it is his choice. I can't help being crazy scared right now.


Maybe monitor. Maybe pace maker. Ok