Friday, June 24, 2011

June 22...23....24....

I cannot describe the ride I have been on for the last few days. My well of emotions is over ridden

with love I must say thank you to all those who so generously shared their support and gave to my daughter and myself and my family.... so much to many pictures to upload... but i'll give it a try...
tonight i'll write
tomorrow I'll load...some and i'll try not to be too long with it all...
on the 22nd of June I woke at 430 am...dressed, went to work, did my floor, but was a bit out of
It really all started there...on Wednesday at work, my rush

Jimmy G --- came to me,his cell phone in hand.... my husband was on the phone, Dd has to go to the hospital right away, she has merconium in her water....
So I left and went to BW... where all my children were much has changed

In labor now they let you drink and eat if you want,.... not I, I said... robbery...but anyway...this isnt about me, or is it... well of course it is, because my blog is about is my space...enough though...

Arrived at BW and my baby DD was already in the triage where they access the situation,
was it bs, and would she be sent home, or was it really something and she would be kept...

DD was a keeper...

She was moved into a room with a hospital bed with removable parts, so she would be able to deliver in the room, the room also contained two chairs, one sleeper chair, the was not at all comfortable to sit on, and one chair that ended up being my chair that was not too bad for sitting on, but for sleeping on, or napping on it as I did, well could not mold or stretch out so... to say the least... it bit me a few times...but
anyway...DD was doing ok, having contractions, but she had contractions in her back and she was very uncomfortable....
she changed into her old nightgown she brought because she thought she could do that...and she could for a while === until the reality that things don't always turn out the way you think they are going to turn out happened and it did happen...and it happened to her....

The hospital staff was sloooowwww in starting her on pit...which is what they give to try to kick up labor..but of was 3 pm by this time....and Dj, her mate was late, and her friend, Kitty, i'll call her was taking the bus in from NYC... it was going to be a fun time...

DD would get to labor easily, take showers, and drink juice, and sit on a labor ball... but the reality was

After almost two days of laboring, Dd had two internal monitors, a catheter, oxygen mask, an epidural attachment, 4 different fluids in her IV, saline, antibiotics,2 types---- just in case because they thought she had an infection, and pit, she was as I say wired up ...and she needed to stay in she could not move from her right side or the baby would go into stress and his heart beat would disappear...

they tried 3 times to have her go into heavy contractions, but it wasn;t happening...
Dr Feinberg came in and strecthed her to see if that would help kick things along and he even said that baby had coned... he was right there...and Dianna was in a lot of it was decided that a c section would be done...and that was postponed 3 times too because of different reasons... i just highly recommend that if one is having a child that person should skip the midwife clinic and go to a private because At the end of all this I ended up getting pretty upset and my daughter was completly exhauted, both physically and emotionally..and needless to say, so was I.

But the best part is that Alastair was born, healthy even though he did have to spend a few hours in the baby ICU because he was having a little trouble breathing but now he seems ok and even though my daughter has some how become atheiest in her 21 years, I prayed and I do pray because every little bit helps.

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