Friday, June 24, 2011

For my dear Daughter, my baby


for dd's labor and delivery
and the birth of Alastair Anthony

Bells bells all I hear are bells
bells the bleep beep mAchine
wired-- you're the keep.
Bells bong as big ben is broken
night into dawn --- bells
bells bing bong ping
pong from here to chair
to bed then ears and snared.

Bells bells not from the Dell
chime away calling
the nurses come -- nurses stay
bells bells bells
pressure low not pressed tight,
Pressure go from day through night
low cuff no help,
higher with the doctors help.

Quiet bells, quiet site, drapery hanging
in the light, quiet want, quiet eyes,
tears drip silent
want delight
clips do not clatter, knife does not scrap
beep beep beep beep
soothing steady beep beep
ears perched, sweet call waiting to hear a
cry, beep beep beep beep,
not a peep, but then
in the quiet, a small wah and then another

Doctors ooooo oooooing, nurses awwww awing,
mother soooo waiting, wanting
Hand held tight, then tighter still
Words not soothing,
eyes not seeing, trying to peek beyond,
Listening waiting, mother anxious,
she seeks him, then sees him,
her eyes employ
he is
Alastair, her child, her newborn boy.

_jw 6.11

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