Monday, January 25, 2010

sausage toe

hahah.... finally went to the drs today as my toe, the second digit, the one next to my big toe has been swollen and sore since before Christmas. it isnt my toe per say, but the bottom of my foot...near the bottom of my toe

dr mayo looked at the foot, " hum do you remember injuring it?"


"I don't think it is a fracture. It would be feeling better by now. It looks to me like a classic case of sausage toe."

"it feels like im walking on a ping pong ball"

"well, this is your toe, and this is the toe joint and this is where the pain is coming from" she squeezed my foot together "any pain?"

"no. it is underneath and at the bottom on the top when you touch it"

"i think it is psoriatic arthritis and if it is you will have to go on methotrexate"

"Oh my niece was on that for her RA"

"well it is chemotherapy and you will have to be watched"

"can't a trip to Florida straighten me out?"

"No unfortunately not, remember when Dr Quinn wanted you to see the rheumotolgist at mass general?"


"well this is why -- you need to go to the hospital today and also get these test done today."


Sausage toe, I hope she is wrong. arghhhh

Sunday, January 10, 2010


a post was attacked months ago...and i just noticed it... disgusting. How can i get rid of the bs

just have the blues

Fred being retired it ok. He's doing well. But I am still the maintainer of the major things in our life, like the mortgage company sending a threatening letter that if we do not have insurance our mortgage is in default. HA! This set me off, we did not ask our other mortgage company to sell our mortgage to this company. A phone call or a nicer letter would have been more appropriate. And I told them so in the letter that I wrote to them in no uncertain terms.

It would be to our own detriment to not have house insurance.... who is writing these letters from these companies is what I'd like to know. A total lack of ettiquette which is an example of the young people growing up today. No respect! Rodney where are you? You said it sooo clearly. Anyway today is another day with the BUB... Then I have to gear up for a long week of work... Work Tues, have lunch with Joe Tues, then work late Thursday... So it will be over a 50 hour work week because I always seem to put in extra time...

Thursday, January 07, 2010

just too tired

I had a couple of days off but I didn't really rest, went to the gym, and was busy ... Fred and I watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy, watching inspired by our nephews' choice. It was really great, but in the middle of it all I worked over 12 hours and had to go to Back Bay and get the DD from her NYC. Which just added to my already exhausted body.

I think I am worn out from the cold and snow never mind the fact of the two broken toes and the ball of nerves collecting in the padding of my foot. Fred insists that I need to go to the drs, but I've had it with the drs. Every time I go they find something else wrong... why can't i just be healthy. Hopefully I will hear from the arthritis clinic and they can do something about the pain in my knees and legs... I wonder if I have PAD ... they advertise it on tv like it is rampant ... the determination to lose more weight just might help me even more if i can get back to the gym with regularity....

the Snow....I like the way it looks in the yard and front of the house, but my feet have been cold now for 5 days even with socks and slippers.... this makes me grumpy.

My old boss Joe called me about a job in Braintree. I am going to meet him someday for lunch and talk about it. It would have Sun/ Mon off and be on the South Shore, the drive might be a little more convoluted but it may be better than having to go over the Tobin every day which still scares me. Plus if I got stuck I could take the Train...woo hoo...I could even give up my car if I had to...

I do not know what it is about bridges, they turn my stomach over and my heart races. The Tobin especially ==it is soo dark and menacing in the morning before the sun rises, and at night when on the top it is as if a giant bird can come from the sky and scoop you up and drive away with you ... open to the nights whim.... I dont know why they are constantly working on the thing... I think just to keep state employees employed never mind the 3.25 in tolls a day one has to pay if driving into the city... avoiding the tolls cost me about 30 minutes a day... hummm it really is something to think about....

yesterday i gave my boss a taste of his own habit, emails, i flooded him with them --- probably about 25, I went home last night and was laughing about the entire situation... fearful of the repercussions today, but alas there was none, no nasty emails waiting for me in the box... yet tomorrow is another day and well.... i suppose there is Saturday too.... arghh.. i hate those emails....Joanne is on vacation...i will miss her camaraderie....but today was fun as I told Rob who was being a complete dick --- F U and that worked because he came to my desk and was pretty nice. I guess he figured out he was being a not nice word. I've had it with men bossing and pushing me around.

Friday, January 01, 2010

January 1 2010

Wow, the year is over and I had to look back at my blog to see what I was doing at this time last year. How could I forget. I was still in that horrid job that fried me day and night, employees with bad attitudes can take you down and stomp on you...that is what i learned in the year of 2008 unfortunately it took all this year to discover what i trully did learn from that experience. My boss was a complete jerk, and actually he still is, but it is not all the time, it floats from here to yesterday --- bipolar which is a term i hate because everyone has highs and lows... me too withstanding my own yanciness... and i do get ants in my pants and the urge to just roam...i said to Fred i dont think i could be retired I would go out of my mind from boredom or be poor because i would want to be doing something more than what i am doing now which of course would create what kind of expense i do not know i looked for trips to london, new orleans, a cruise, and of course las vegas ---vegas is relativly cheap and i found out why is only 37 degreees there....bottom line, i need heat lots of it... and that is only going to be found below the i am still thinking and planning a trip... maybe a trip to the tanning salon might help because i do need that heat!
aching body and bones, tight muscles and ligaments groan
winter cold comes in and shrinks the insides of me
how i whine for heat heat heat

So now, 2010, Fred is officially retired in 2 days!!! I do not have to work... Sun, Mon, and Tues, it will be great to have some time off...just the few days.

Happy New Year to everyone everywhere.