Tuesday, November 03, 2009

from chick to turkey... and beyond

This is making me nuts.... I have so many things I want to do and my patience is wearing thin. I pulled a chair over to a cupboard today, emptied it, washed it out, relined it and put the stuff back in.... bad bad I supposed ....I only did the top two shelves and then I was exhausted. no stamina.

Yesterday, I laughed so hard that my belly hurt.... and it wasn't even that I laughed that hard...I just didnt realize that my insides would be telling me -- hey you are healing in here be kind....but

I had a good laugh at my husband who thinks he is Mr. Wonderful... and he is sometimes, but.... I do all the shopping and rearranging in the cupboards...and yesterday we did alot of shopping and bought canned items.... So they were stacked on the chair, because I am still in the no lifting mode...and Fred said,
"There is no room for all this stuff." And I said, "Of course there is, things just have to be re-arranged. I just can't do the rearranging right now." And I went to go out of the kitchen, but I heard Fred mumble, "Just do as I say."

I laughed to myself, and I turned to him and asked, "What did you say?" and He said, "Nothing." And I kept laughing inside, but I knew he was being snide to me, so I said,"I heard you say it. --- Just do as I say." and I cracked up laughing, because I hadn't said that at all, but I guess I got my point across....

It is the little things that get taken for granted... the cleaning out the refridgerator every Monday night, the re-arranging of the cupboard to keep things old to the front and new in the back. The mere changing of the hand towel in the bathroom daily, and new tooth paste when the tube is just not worth squishing any more.... the quick washing of the bathroom to keep it fresh and clean, the swiffer on the steps and over the floors ... no fur balls accummulating anywhere...the throwing away of useless unending clutter that seems to accummulate from no where... clothing that is 10 -5 years old?
... who makes the determination to dispose of this stuff.... in my house, me. So... Everytime I think of my hubby struggling to arrange the canned goods, I remind myself that it isn't his job, and the stuff isn't even things we eat, like chef boyardee ravi... it's for the kids, they should have the job of putting the stuff away.... that would make much more sense.... but then it wouldn't get done.... or else it would be eaten alot faster because right now they do not know the stuff is there. So I keep laughing about his little joke, and wish it were true, that what I commanded was followed through... That must be what it is like to be a Queen... hummm
I've finally made it.

On another note, I took the chick pattern and created a turkey out of it. It was fun and took only a bit of my imagination, but if it had to do it again, I do not know if I could as I didn't keep any pattern.

Oh well!... Steph wants to go to NYC for Thanksgiving. I do not think Fred is going to bite. boohooo.... I wouldn't mind going again!

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