Friday, November 13, 2009


today I lounged around exhausted from nothing. i knitted and made a reservation to go to nyc on the bus for 14.50. I am going alone. This is a brave venture but one i've often thought of embarking upon. i am going to be able to do what i want to do when i want to do it.... no one else bossing me about. no one whinning... not that every time i've gone to Gotham i havent had the grandest of times, but I am looking forward to just taking this one day trip for myself before i go back to work...

i made soup and grilled cheese for dinner and hubby was happy with that... I really needed to go shopping having no milk for coffee or tea just put me out all day...still i was too lazy to walk the miles to the stop and shop and it just felt too cold out... so after dinner i took a nap and woke at 9... then i went food shopping.... i bought an eye roast that i foolishly put in the oven at 11:30 thinking that it would be easier to cook it tonight than tomorrow as i have my post op appointment...but now it is nearly 1 and i am exhausted again....
when i came in from food shopping i made banana bread and banana muffins... hubby eats a banana a day and they do turn and once they start turning i usually throw them away or in the freezer for later to make banana something...but this time i just decided to make the banana bread when i came in from shopping...which i did...and the roast...which should be nearly done...

we've had no luck with the car situation so i suppose hubby will be off next week looking for a car because the next week is Thanksgiving and I dont know how he plans on getting things done unless he is with me or i have a car. and then i will be going back to i pray a car turns my a positive way..

i best go check on that roast and see if the sand man will come visit....

only two hot flashes today that i can remember... one last about 20 minutes and went from my thights to my arm to my nose... and dizziness came today too.... arghhh... other wise i am feeling great just have to find out about the lifting ... tomorrow will tell what i can and cannot do....

another thought about time it is forever the thread and the rhyme
it does not wither and it does not run although it is running
it does not ever leave nor does it breath although it is life
it does not tell nor does it hold nor does it keep secrets because it does not know
it has not knowledge or voice or the ability to hear or communicate in anyway
we give it life with the clock
we give it existence with our acknowledgment
how much time is like love and hope and fear and faith
but we give time a face.

just the thought for this moment.

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