Sunday, November 19, 2006


by far i am over done, over worked, over worried, over and over and over
it is an over world for me at this moment and there is no other word that is as fitting as the word over because over isnt over even when it is over
it is over... work, laundry....relationships, meetings, day, night, holiday, eclipse, test, dinner, of couse this over is different than the other variables that have to do with over
such as over there
over here
under and over
over and under
over such as on top of....
this i am not
i am not on top of my housework, my laundry, my kids, paying my bills, i am under-- overridden with the overs that i am suppose to have under control, or at least believing so.

it is obsurd that i can mail things on time, but then again if i stopped working then i would have plenty of time to take care of the things i am supposed to be taking care of. this wednesday johnny is coming over, i will try to call h. and see if she will bring the bub over, see there is over and over again. this will make me happy, also i will leave work at 3 pm monday and tues and take my ns off ... this is needed because i am over done....
and i dont want my turkey day to be over done because i could very easily become undone at this moment.

plus, a note to myself, you cant eat ff from mcd's it makes you sick! dont forget.

and to my sister whom i love, if she just happens to pop by,
i do not care if liberals or conservatives are bigger hypocrites... every individual suffers from hypocrazies...hahaha... at times. -- certainly i dont want to be pegged as either a liberal or a conservative, i just want to live!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love you - miss you
hang in there, OK?