Sunday, September 26, 2004

September 25th....

Yesterday was our 28th wedding anniversary and it turned out to be a surprising wonderful day. --- I was expecting much of a day as the week had been hectic... Our kids were making us crazy as always; we were hunting for a new car --- stressful, and my grandson got sick and I spent 4 hours in the emergency ward of a hospital because I was afraid he was going to get Scarlet Fever. But all those daily tramas worked out ok. Kids are now more settled, we bought an old used car, The Eldorado -- The LD maybe I will call it, Lazy Drive for it is sleek and big and a nice smooth ride... and my little grandson is on the mend, That is the best.

So ... what made this wife happy on a day that could have been a disaster......
The night before:
My husband and I went to bed at separate times, we were both wiped out from all the car hunting, shopping , and delivery of the same.... But we kiss each other with a soft peck and my husband held my fingers until he difted away. I got out of bed a few minutes later as I decided to call my teenage son. I hadn't heard from him since earlier when he wanted a ride to where his girl friend lives.

"Where are you?"
"At the tennis courts.?
"Come get me Mom."
"No, I can't I'm too tired. You better leave there now and get home."
"But, but,"
"NO buts, I want you home tonight and that doesnt mean at 1:30 in the morning."
"OK, I'll try."

The hesitation in his voice was an apparent hint of what was to come, the short breath after -- I'll try...was a warning to me.
I went back to bed so exhausted I fell asleep immediately even though Terms of Endearment was on -- a movie I never miss, but my eyelids closed and next it was 4:15 a.m. My eyes probed for the digital ---- promptly, I got out of bed, went downstairs and saw no skateboard there, no sneakers there, ---alarmed, I went up to his room, the door was opened, the was bed empty except for his blankets. I raced downstairs and called his cell phone --- no answer.
I swore aloud, "that little bastard. I hate teenagers."

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