Sunday, September 26, 2004

I didnt listen to a word he said....

I just went on ranting until I hung up.

I went back to bed and huffed as I did, plopping down on the matress, I pulled on the covers and whined, "I hate teenagers."
My husband stirred, and rolled toward me, "I heard you." He lite a cigarette and I fanned away the smoke. "Argggghhh," I whined, "Why are you smoking now?" It was a silly question and we both laughed.
We chatted for awhile and then husband asked, "What time is it?"
"Like 5 a.m. or so,"
"You have a nerve waking me up so early."
"I didn't mean to." But I did.
"I have to get up for work." He got out of bed and stretched.
"I have to masturbate and then go to work."
He leaned over me and said, "What did you say?"
And I laughed as I repeated myself, and he laughed too as he moved in closer to kiss me with his morning mouth, that really is never that bad......Happy Anniversary.... do you believe it?
I am not the best lover in the morning, but our interlude just made the day start off perfect for ourselves regardless of the wandering teen.

Early afternoon came to my job and my co worker found me filing, "I was looking for you, your cell was ringing."
"Oh, I wonder, but thanks."
I pressed the missed calls, it was home, "Hello" --- it was my husband,
"What are you doing home?"
"I told was our anniversary and he said I could leave early. Come home and well go get something to eat."
"Did you forget I have an appointment this afternoon?"
"Oh yea, you told me?"
"I'll see if I can cancel it and call you right back."

I called my gf who was eating lunch with her son in a restaurant, the cells were breaking up, but we postponed our meet to Monday, I called home and left work with the expectation of a late lunch and a nice ride. I thought maybe would we stop by some quiet place and do a bit of making out like old times.... but when I came in the door my husband was sitting in his chair on the computer and told me our daughter had said,"Does that leave me out?" when he told her we were going to get something to eat. He said," I couldn't tell her she shouldn't come." I scolded him a bit, but but, and "here I was thinking we were going for a private ride."
He smiled," I'm still rubber legged from this morning, I need time."
I just grinned and laughed, "Ya ya."
"We might as well ask them all," I said as I tried to reach my daughter, no answer, and the teenage late night also said he wanted to stay home....

We got into the new old car, soft seats, sleek body, quiet ride and took to the road. The day was warm and sunny, not hot, just warm enough that you could sit in the car without a jacket and without ac dropping the window here and there for air, and putting it up again to keep a chill from getting in.

"This was like the day we got married," my husband and I both said, and our daughter listened,
really. It was a beautiful day, sunny, warm, but not hot, just the same.
We had planned to go to the Hilltop Steakhouse, but as we drove our conversation changed, "We could go to the cape and visit your Mother," my husband said.
"Are you sure? Aren't you tired?"
"I feel like driving."
"Ok then let's do it."
Our daughter in the back seat leaned up, "What what are we doing?"
We told her, she sat back and moaned,"I'm starving, you've kidnapped me," but then she was relaxed as we listened to the radio occcaisionally singing along with a song or two.

We talked here and there and explored all the features of the new car so fancy, but what a smooth ride. Our daughter interjected here and there and complained if we turned the radio down low so we could chat.
"Geesh, we can't even talk," I complained.
As we got closer to my mothers house I said, "Should I call?"
"NO make it a surprise"
So we did.

That Little Bastard

I called his cell phone again, this time he answered.
"Where are you?"
"At my gf's house."
"I told you to be home. I haven't slept all night. It is your father's and my anniversary. "
"I missed the last two buses."
"I told you to get home."
"I couldn't get a ride."
"What time did MR go home?"
"Earlier, but I didn't go home with him."
"Obviously, you just decided not to come home."
"I figured I'd just go home in the morning."
"I'm not putting up with this, you're grounded. .... I ranted on and a rage.... If it happens again you can find some place else to live. Your father and I have to go to work, and you better be home when I get here."
"But but,

September 25th....

Yesterday was our 28th wedding anniversary and it turned out to be a surprising wonderful day. --- I was expecting much of a day as the week had been hectic... Our kids were making us crazy as always; we were hunting for a new car --- stressful, and my grandson got sick and I spent 4 hours in the emergency ward of a hospital because I was afraid he was going to get Scarlet Fever. But all those daily tramas worked out ok. Kids are now more settled, we bought an old used car, The Eldorado -- The LD maybe I will call it, Lazy Drive for it is sleek and big and a nice smooth ride... and my little grandson is on the mend, That is the best.

So ... what made this wife happy on a day that could have been a disaster......
The night before:
My husband and I went to bed at separate times, we were both wiped out from all the car hunting, shopping , and delivery of the same.... But we kiss each other with a soft peck and my husband held my fingers until he difted away. I got out of bed a few minutes later as I decided to call my teenage son. I hadn't heard from him since earlier when he wanted a ride to where his girl friend lives.

"Where are you?"
"At the tennis courts.?
"Come get me Mom."
"No, I can't I'm too tired. You better leave there now and get home."
"But, but,"
"NO buts, I want you home tonight and that doesnt mean at 1:30 in the morning."
"OK, I'll try."

The hesitation in his voice was an apparent hint of what was to come, the short breath after -- I'll try...was a warning to me.
I went back to bed so exhausted I fell asleep immediately even though Terms of Endearment was on -- a movie I never miss, but my eyelids closed and next it was 4:15 a.m. My eyes probed for the digital ---- promptly, I got out of bed, went downstairs and saw no skateboard there, no sneakers there, ---alarmed, I went up to his room, the door was opened, the was bed empty except for his blankets. I raced downstairs and called his cell phone --- no answer.
I swore aloud, "that little bastard. I hate teenagers."

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

divorce without marriage

...when will i say something of value in here? I dont know if i will ever be able to ...

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Politics at home and in the home

I hate politics, but one must be able to argue points or one might as well never bother ---
My children attend liberal schools, this I like.
I am a liberal, my husband a conservative. We've just has the most politically charged arguement in the history of our marriage.

I never wanted to see our country go into Iraq... and I still want us out. Could I change my opinion of George W. ? ... As a person I like him, he seems like an average guy... but as a woman, I do not agree with his religious policies, and his abortion policies.

I've not a moment to breath lately. Too much going on in the house, too many things unsettled, and too much work not getting done. I need some space. I need some freedom and most of all I need a vacation. A nice vacation, an inspirational vacation.