Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 13

I thought Gabby would come today. I hope Tuesdsy for my birthday whst s gift she would be. If not Wednesdsy

Sunday, December 06, 2015


Can it happen again?  Win I mean. Can we ?

Sunday, November 15, 2015


We won. You were watching!


Today is Sunday. I would be with you.  Making sure you have what you need. Maybe doing something special. I would say. mom. Say go Patroits and they would win. Always you were the best cheerleader. Oh well. Can you be an angel right now. Let this be in my mind. 
I loved you

Friday, October 30, 2015


Mom I miss you.  I really do.  I know you must be in a better place   I love you

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

My World


I feel you sometimes, I smell you sometimes,

It seems like you are touching me sometimes

I hurt sometimes, not because you have gone but 

Yes because you have gone to some place that I too 

Will go to someday, and it hurts not because I know some day I will go there too

But because 

I have this vacant space where we all come from and you have gone

That I filled with you


Space, this great frontier,

the light is always on for you to come visit me if you will

In a dream, in a spirit, in the innocence of a child

Like Scarlett who stuck her tongue out in the picture that day, 

She just reminded me of you.

I really try not to cry and actually I think I have been doing very well, except for

Yesterday and today, I guess I have been just too busy to see the vacancy light go on 



My world.  I don’t want to fill your space with anyone else’s

don’t want to fill the time I had for you with anything or anyone else

I don’t want to stop sharing those moments 

I don’t want to stop having those thoughts, what would Mom like?

What does Mom need? What would Mom think? What can I surprise Mom with?

What would make Mom happyWhat can I do to make things easier, better for Mom?

These thoughts are not suppositions. And I am sure that many have these thoughts

I have a vacancy, thoughts are filling it up but they are all for you Mom





Thursday, October 15, 2015

So life goes on

Today it is 16 days since my Mom died.  Every night I cry. Every day. I know she is in a better place but I still miss you mom. I still miss you

Friday, October 02, 2015

Pain and suffering

Here is something I wrote.  It is not for the booklet as I know me.  Now that my mind is truly reflecting on what we have been through these past through months. Lots of thoughts will come to me.  If you prefer me not to share them. Privately text me it is ok. We really did experience something remarkable spiritual painful and joyful all at once.  Love you all. 

October arrived September gone but I am still in September. I am still back Sunday to Monday to Tuesday. Days but only 1
Time could have been measured like medicine or the sounds of the phone or the beating of hearts or the tempo of breathing too loud.  To us signs of struggle but to the one leaving passing on just the process. I think the process sucks.  Sorry yes there are many other words that could be used
Strip the person of all control. There is fear there you can see it. No matter how much you care no matter how much you want to help at some times. No matter how they say. You can make her comfortable there are those horrid moments that stab you, slice you like a sword splitting you from head to groan. I want to say she was fine in the end. I want to believe it. Today it really comes to me that she suffered more than I but who am I wanted her to.  and I know the suffering is offered to help others so perhaps it is offered to us as a reminder. No matter how good you are. No matter how much you might think you won't have to suffer or have suffering regardless of how much you have had  already or perhaps have not ---remember to offer your suffering up so that others might not
Love u

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Dear Momma.  I love you so.  Be in my heart. Hold my soul

Monday, September 28, 2015


I've watched death come before. But this time it is different.  Blue feet bluest erytial eyes. They look into you almost showing a glimpse of another life.  I love you mom. Let it go.  Let her go I want to say to her body. Do not make her suffer bro not try to capture her soul. She is tired. Let her go 

Poem by my daughter

A Garden of Weeping Daughters
What is a garden
Without dew?
Without that which is wet
But that nourishes?
What is the old rose
That sheds her petals
Amongst the suppleness 
Of her daughters?
A small girl gently wails
Her delicate mouth looking for the nectar
Of her mother
Curling herself into the warmth
And sighing before she rests for the night

A young woman  loses tears
Spilling over dark and heavy lashes
Thinking of her mother
And wanting to be close
Wondering how she will ever be able to rest tonight despite the quiet bundle breathing at her side

A woman cannot cry as she has before
Sitting too calmly at the side of her mother
In a somber darkness
The world is buzzing and folding and she knows that this is the last night
She will feel the warmth of her mother

A gray woman has tread this earth
For nearly 9 decades 
She has birthed 
And nourished
And traveled
And she has loved

She has kissed the robe of the Pope
She has kissed the feet of dozens of babies
She kissed the love of her life for more than 50 years
She has been loved 

And she is trying to rest
As daughters of daughters of daughters look for light and warmth as they grow
In this garden of weeping women
Who are also strong 
And full of nourishment
And searching for rest

She is trying to find peace
And the old rose
Is in the garden
Losing her petals
Kissing her kin
With these remnants of her beauty 
She, who blossomed so long ago
And rose in thorns and sunlight 
Is ascending softly
She is loved.
She is a legacy.
She is showered in dew.
She is not leaving
She is going home
To the earth

To the Earth.

Monday, September 14, 2015


Momma likes her blue blanket and my blue shirt. She likes the blue dress better

Monday, September 07, 2015


TDown cape with Mom. Made cranberry orange muffins. Soo good

She actually ate one happily.  Sleeping with her hot chocolate on her lap. With a nice smile on her face

She is really happy. This is difficult watching her sleep.  Going to do some cleaning and keep busy.  Love us Mom

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Sunday, August 30, 2015




At the cape again worried and I don't know why. Silence and the meds make her lose track of time. I still have a headache and my eyes hurt.  Finding it hard to deal with everything's. Pray pray I say pray for help to get you through.  That's all you can do

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Today I am completely exhausted. Could big get to sleep. Now up early with a headache.  Back to work. Not that I mind my job at all. I just really have z headache.  Dress is taking its toll on me. It is 4 months with Bell's palsy.  My fear is that it will will me on the other side. And we'll.  hopefully by the time our vacation comes it won't be so bad

Monday, August 24, 2015

I actually feel like eating

Well this is a change.  
Also saw Gollum today. You're pinching me she said. But I wasn't and then she said it again. I gave her my wrist and said. Pinch me

She pops up from having her eyes closed and says. I'll have a crab cake please. Would you like a salad?  A small salad.  No. The crab cake and then we'll see.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sleeping Beauty

She opens her eyes and says good morning!  A faint smile and her eyes are tired.  How are you?
I'm happy I'm still here ---but I wonder if she means it.  I should stop wondering I suppose.
She asks for Tea. And I ask do you want breakfast?  1/2 hour later? A banana? No. I had opened it so I eat it myself.  1/2 hour later---  how about breakfast?  No. How about bacon?  Ok

I bring her two strips of bacon and she eats them in between resting her eyes. No juice.  2 sips of tea. Eyes closed again   Sleeping
She opens her eyes and looks at her watch. 1030.  Closes her eyes
No paper has come. Will that wake her. I need to change her

Monday, August 03, 2015


Today mom is not that hungry. She did have her fav cherry yogurt at 9 pm. She also watched paradise. Crazy reality show. She cracks me up.  I must drive her crazy with my phone. She doesn't say anything.  Ken will be down for classes.  All is as it will be I guess.  Sometimes I just watch her breathing making sure she still is.  As long as she is eating  once she stops it won't be good 

Sunday, August 02, 2015


Today mom said.  I want to be home
But you are home
No she said. This is a bed. Fact 

Friday, July 31, 2015

More wandering

Mom rests.  I see her hand reach out.  I sit beside her doing nothing. Praying the Lord's Prayer.  I do not want her to suffer.  I do not wish for her death but deep Jesus.  I wish for her to be peaceful without pain without worry. Without want. 


Sitting with Mom. Her breathing is rough. They brought in oxigen but she doesn't want it.  Was up for approx 2 hours.  HHA and nurse are supposed to come today.  My brothers that are here but don't want to give up time are just ridiculous. If it is the