Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Yesterday turned out to be a good day
and a day with bedlam in it....
sometimes fun, sometimes crazy but in all
Mom had some excitment which was good for her...
now she is back in quiet
I always bring a little zanyness to the situation
not that i try to but it happens
the comcast guy came and fixed the phone and hence the alarm
the alarm went off while i was talking to the adt personal...
the code did not work immediately, as if there was a delay
then it shut off, i called back the alarm company, no big deal it seemed
then my sister called, hummmm the alarm...
then the police showed up
then the neighbors down the street
and next door were there and out
Mikey was out side smoking.
the cop asked if everything was all right
yes, would you like to come in
no what is your name
it was 3 minutes of insanity
that exhausted Mom, but we laughed about it later
but Mikey and I brought her a happy meal, and it was cute
and she didn't even eat the entire thing...
as it had a sliced apple pack...
but she said it was good and she was happy!
and that is what a Happy Meal is all about.
We went food shopping and to the po and cvs
She wobbled a little bit and that made me nervous.
She needs to get out more I said to Fred
If he gets his car fixed maybe then he can take her out
1 day... I can't wait til it gets a little warmer
even though it has been mild
I hope my sister can come after school is out.
Mom could really use the company.
my psorisis on my elbow is ugly
why do i have to have this horrid disease

enough to work bleck too too
if i had a million i would just quit my job...
or a least only work a 3 day week..
that would be heaven!

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