Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 20th how can that be

I can not believe it is the 20th of May... wow... Ricky will be home on or about July 19th so that is Two Months... I am behind in everything. Sunday is Steph's bd party and then she will be 32 on Monday...and Ricky will be 29... on Monday too... I remember when I was 32 that just seems impossible to me.

Went with Steph to Open Door last night. We had a good time...

Have to go to the hospital today for the halter...I wasnt going to do it, but I suppose I should for safety sake. I dont want anything being wrong with my heart and me just having a heart attack some place especially since things are not inorder.

I think I am suppose to take Fred's car so I best get going because I have to switch stuff around.

I wish I was still in Disney.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

just another day

there is never just another day for me... every day is big... i have to live this way and i am certain it drives my husband mad... i might not be here tomorrow, i might not be able to walk tomorrow, i might not be anything tomorrow and how i wish tomorrow would never come so that i can just continue to live...

i am not afraid of dying, i do not feel as if i have accomplished everything that i should have while ive been here as me, but certainly i have accomplished much so if it were my time to leave then so be it, i would not want others to grieve for me so much as i would want them to remember me

but anyway the first day off ive had in ages it seems even though we went to Disney and I did have a couple of non work days that were of course scheduled with activities, seems absurd to me that my husband would not allow me to go visit my mother, your car is not fixed...oh yeah i forgot...good enough for work not for travel...and again, ride my bike..disallowed...someone might knock you off it... so now i am in a bad mood..this really has to stop...overprotective husband... i said, you will let me go to nyc alone but you will not let me ride my bike which i havent been able to do for 10 years.... arghhhh... something has to be done...

it is now after 3 and my day had been impeded so much that i am exhausted from the disagreement... i will ride my bike, i will and i will find a way...the bike rack is coming out of the basement and then he wont be able to say a word.

least i forget to mention, he did say a little at a time..and i do agree however, i dont need him sitting on the front steps watching me like i am a 6 year save me from the retireee not nice but i must vent dont worry i am emailing this post to him.

another little disney movie

alittle disney movie

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day

Well today is Mothers Day...a day to celebrate mothering-- ... not just a day for mothers etc... anyway...yesterday a trip to Derby Street.... I guess I am a snob...there is nothing like classical music being fed through the open air as you stroll....

Fred and I went to the Summer Shack which has bad reviews on most of the web sites I have read....but I liked it, of course we did not go to the one at the casino or vacation hot spot so maybe that was the difference...

The clam chowder was brothy, not alot of cream --- excellent... and the full bellied clams ( I ordered the starter --clams only --- no extra stuff that I couldn't eat anyway ) were light and not overly breaded...Fred got the fried chicken, they made it to order....steaming even as he bit into his third piece....tasty.... He passed the wing onto me knowing I am partial to wings...mmmm tasti-too, I shared a few of my clams.... i must stop excusing my bad dieting...

We went into Williams and Sonoma.... and bought a donut cake pan...20 bucks..two pans --- 1 cake mix makes two cakes... or one big huge one so silly that i would not make it so i created a chocolate sprinkle cake, a glazed cake, a coconut donut cake, and a rainbow sprinkled choc frosted yellow cake...what we are going to do with all these cakes i do not know...

We went into Brighton Collectibles where I tried on a perfect neckpiece that is now in my jewel collection along with a fantastic bracelet Fred picked out and earrings.... so it was a spending day but it was onto the big savings plan, tuition coming up soon enough...

on the dark side I worked over 54 hours this week for the kitty... and next week looks almost as bad but with two college tuitions to pay I must take it when it is offered...

It is a blustery day here... I dont know when I am going to get my journal from Disney blogged...when i read it I laugh...i guess it is great to be able to laugh at ones self...

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

and a few more unedited pics



Dreaming on ward


upon a dream
a dream vacation spent with our Two grandson and maybe a vacation that we will never be able to afford again, but we went with bags and baggage, youth and age, heart and soul, and the ability to go with the flow --- considering there were 5 personalities to contend with.

Some pics oh yeah....i am not going to edit them but put them in naturally for the salvation of time which i never have enough of

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

May 4

Today is my father's birthday. I can't believe he is gone over 11 years. It sucks and I can't help but to cry. Di's Beau got a car. Yippee for us we got a night off from driving. I am in class for three days. I hopefully will get certified to facilitate. This might give me some change. Journaling and just being happy with my life is my goal. I have to accept the things I cannot change and change the thing I can. Watching the xfiles creepy. Got to see ironman too. Time got lost. That's all

May 4th

Today would have been my Dads birthday. I don't think I will ever get over the fact that he is not here and has been gone almost 12 years. It sucks not having him around. And I can't help but to cry. Di's Beau has a car and us driving her to work. What a nice break. I went to class and have two more daysand I hope I will get certified

Sunday, May 02, 2010

May already?

What a worldwind trip to WDW and what a blast...too bad i have had no time to rest since returning and of course they didnt fix my car.... this has me very cranky and upset,...oh well it is May 2nd maybe i can sqeeze in some time to myself this week as i just need it.