Sunday, July 12, 2009

This past June was perhaps one of the busiest we’ve had in the homestead for a few years. Yes, there have been graduations, birthdays, weddings, and other festivities that we have journeyed to and hosted, but this year, we had a party for The Lady D, who was long ago a lady before the Lady Gaga.
Di or The Doll as her Dad calls her, the youngest of 4, graduated high school and not just any high school,--
BLS high school, which exemplifies the pinnacle of success, --- \
BLS was the first public school in America-- its standards are above the norm; every course is viewed as an advanced class, or honors class, which of course leads to expectations and rewards that are top notch and exceed the average. These students are told from day one that they are the brightest of the bright of Boston, and they are future leaders of the world.
The graduates were reminded at the celebration that a prerequisite to graduation is the giving of service to the community. And with graduation, they are expected to continue to give, volunteer, or work, in the small communities of this city, or in the large community of the world through social, political, scientific, and other types of service. My hope is that they listened and learned and will continue to do as their advisors suggested for there are far too many people in this world who are in need and other who are devoted to only themselves.

This graduation was a great celebration for her and also for her father and me --- although she said so in the planning, “This party isn’t for me, it is for you,” when I rejected fried plantains and salmon she requested on the menu. She did get her macaroni and cheese, colossal grilled shrimp, and everything vegetarian with the exception of meatballs and lunch meats for us carnivores.
She was right though, yes, the party was in celebration of her success, but also in relief ---the baby graduated and is moving onward to better things.

My husband and I grew up in different styles of family. My family, the parents stayed together and worked through hardships, both my parents attended college, and their children were expected to follow suit, go to school better themselves and be independent beings in this world. My mother volunteered, worked, and taught. She is an independent woman who expected and taught her children from the get go ----- you must work to achieve and I expect you to do so.

His family is the opposite of mine, his parents split after years of turmoil and only one brother in a family of 6 graduated high school. He grew up tough but with a sense of integrity that made him the man he is today. A hard worker who understands now the value of an education, but still, rejects the status quo pressures society places on everyone today.

We both believe that Drs and Educators place people in boxes and individuals can break out of those walls, but it isn’t easy to do so…. Those with money get more powerful, those who work hard without luck or spoon often can be overwhelmed by life itself. Living often times gives notices without reason…and believe me, we have gotten our share of those kinds of notices…yet we survive and continue to grow and change as the world is changing.

I don’t know how my parents would have handled lazy children or obstinate older adults such as the world is creating today, and --- I say the world because entitled young adults seem to be everywhere, not just in my family, but numerous families that I know. Young adults expect their parents to help out. These upstarts should not have to ask, nor should they be made to feel guilty if they do so. Parents should willingly make allowance for their adult children and extend their pocket books whenever necessary. College tuitions, cars, car insurance, even cell phone use --- parents are obligated to support these luxuries, because they are necessities … or so it seems. And I must admit, I am guilty of over giving and capitulating to the “entitled.”

But to get on with it. June passed by quickly and a wonderful month it was… and here are the happenings that made it so wonder-full beyond the graduation even though it was the rainiest month on record since 1931 here are the days spent and the wonder of life so good.

This was the top to Lady Di’s Cake, and of course the bottom….

When all was said and done we had a great day and it was wonderful to have so many family member and friends who came to visit. Although it was Father’s Day and I miss my Dad still, I was reminded of him many times, we had two christenings on Father’s Day and my Dad never rejected attending although they were his special day. Also, my son kept saying, Aren’t we going to have manhattans? For which I supplied no booze. I couldn’t be tempted not for that day…. Both my sisters came and my sister in law Syb who is a dear sister to me too. I don’t know where’d I’d be sometimes with out these three wonderful vibrant women in my life. So many times it is just knowing that they are there by the phone to listen of course I have other friends and family but they are my mainstays for sure.

Another best of the day was my wonderful beautiful daughters --- What would I do without them I often think…. Each has her own personality and strengths but they are such beautiful people who wouldn’t be grateful to have them. I am eternally so.
Another best of June was my new walk way in the front of my house built by Mike after a vision or so my husband calls all the ideas that come into my mind and that are made into reality. I just love it. Thank you Mikey.
My mother came to my house for the graduation. She was happy and she said to me, She’d “forgotten how nice it was to be here. “ So that was a compliment to me.

Another little delight was our outing to check it out. A tiny place on Oyster Bay filled that could be called a Secret Garden. I love this picture of the kids, even though my nephew is nearly a teen his goofing around for this picture shows he has a sense of humor and it makes me smile.

I also took another picture of a bell. I love the big bells… perhaps I will go on an excursion to discover more… maybe I’ll just make a collection of them on paper…something to be creative with…and idea that just blossomed.

Bells chime, the phone rings, calling together you and me
Spring and Summer paths do cross Winter wonder and Fall not lost
I long to hear the ringing and singing of the bells tossed
Wind and Wonder, Cast and Caught
Bells twingling, bells sought
Bells for Angels no one is naught

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