Friday, July 31, 2009

Brain dead

How I could put the coffee maker on and forget to put the carafe in is beyond me? results: coffee all over the counter and floor.... and I didnt even realize it was happenning because I am too busy goofing off on the computer

Fred is 57 today, I just can not believe it. I have to go shopping, pick up the Bub, make his diet coke chocolate cake, I dont know how he is going to like that one, but I will try it.... The decision on dinner is the baked stuffed chicken but I will make the stuffing with whole wheat bread and he will have to tone his serving size a bit, but I think it will surfice.

Went to Foxwoods with Steph yesterday, it was a good day except for my "female problem" that decided to visit... arghh... I have to go to Newton Wellesly at some point today and talk to my dr. But.... maybe I can get away with sometime, I just dont feel right.

Anyway, we did not win any moola, but we had some nice chat for the most part -- but I do hate it when daughters think they know it all and know you sooooo children teach you how to be more patient then ever.

How, you learn to keep your mouth shut because it just isnt worth it, and then pray they go away at times.

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