Monday, August 27, 2007

Bubbins goes to the Beach

I went to the big beach with Grammy. The beach is not a pool. The beach is the ocean and the water is very salty. VBlahhh.

Grammy said, "The beach has waves." I waved to it a few times, but it kept waving and waving and waving. I guess the beach never stops waving.

The beach I go to has very soft sand and a sand bar. That means that the water is not too deep most of the time for little ones like me.

But today there was a lot of seaweed along the shoreline. There was brown seaweed with little bulbs on it. There was skinny grassy strappy type seaweed and there was also big leafy green seaweed. Grammy said there are all kinds of seaweed. She said some people eat seaweed. "Ick" is what I say about seaweed. It tried to get me a few times but I pulled it off of my little feet. By the time I left the beach I was no longer afraid of seaweed, but it is still "ICKKKKKKY."

When I was swimming in the water with Grammy, I saw something scary. It had two arms that went up and down in the water, it had a squished face with one big square eye, and it had a tube that stuck out of the water as it moved its arms. I was scared at first and held Grammy tight, but Grammy told me not to worry, that it was a person snorggling. I watched as the snorkler swam this way and that way. Soon I was saying hello, but he didn't hear me.

I also saw a buoy in the water when I was swimming. It was white and red and blue. It bobbed up and own in the water. The buoy tells boats they cannot come any closer. It also tells people they cannot go past it. The lifeguard always blew his whistle and waved his arms at anyone who went out to the buoy.

At the beach there was a little boy from France. I know this because Grammy said his parents spoke French. I said hi but the boy didn't understand me. We had the same shaped pail and shovel but they were different colors. I had a purple shovel and he had a purple pail. I had a blue pail and and he had a green shovel. We both made sand castles with our pails and shovels. I stepped on all of mine. He left his standing.

Grammy and I walked along the edge of the water where the waves come into the sand. We were looking for seaglass. I found no seaglass, and Grammy found only one piece on the entire beach. It was brown and looked like a seahorse. I found lots and lots of rocks, little rocks and big rocks, gray and white rocks, black rocks and brown rocks and marble type rocks. I found so many rocks that I could not bring them home. I left them in a pile for someone else to play with.

I played, ready, on your Market, get set, and go, at the beach. I ran from the big rock wall to the blanket over and over again. Grammy said most of the time you cannot run at the beach because it is too crowded, but it was okay today because the beach was not crowded. Grammy even let me jump on the blanket. It was great.

In the water at the beach there were boats, motor boats and sailboats. The motor boats made funny noises and lots of waves. The sailboats just floated along.

Above the water I saw two planes carrying big giant flags. One was about lemonade and the other was about sharks. I did not understand them at all.

After awhile it started to sprinkle, Grammy said we had to leave before it poured. I don't know why as we were getting wet anyway.

I love the beach. It is the ocean.

for Little R. 8/26, 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.