Monday, August 20, 2007

The Bubs FIrst Adventure

Sunday, Grammy came to pick me up. Just Grammy, no Papa, because we were going to the cape to visit my greater Grammy, Great Grammy.

I fussed a little bit about half way down, but then Grammy and I began to sing songs. We sang The Three Little Fishes, and Willoby Wolloby, and my very favorite of all Bingo. I love that clapping.

Just as we were almost at Great Grammy's, the Papa car had a problem. The brakes stopped working. Grammy drove slow, and then we almost rode into the house, just kidding. We made it okay. But, we didn't get to go the the little beach because Grammy had to get the car fixed and find a way back home.

I played with Great Grammy in the back yard. We played three ball, and one big ball, we played with rocks, and best of all we read my picture book. I counted all the fishes, and told Great Grammy all my colors. After a while we went into the house because the sqeetos were coming out and we don't want to catch EEE.

Grammy had to get a tow truck. She was on the phone off and on. I played with Great Uncle Jim's little chair, and Grammy's little chair. They are both over 45 years old. Grammy's is a rocker. Great Uncle Jimmy's has no rockers because he rocked them off when he was my age. That is what I heard.

We waited for the tow truck. I played the piano. Grammy told me,"One finger, One finger." So that is what I did. Plick, plunk, tink, wink, plick, plunk, but every once in a while I've have to let those keys have allllmy little fingers and, "Whump" or "Tinkleingunk" would come from the piano.

The big tow truck arrived. I watched the man load Papa's car onto the ramp truck.
"Bye," I said to Papa's car as he went away.

Great Grammy drove Grammy and I to the bus stop. I fell asleep until it was time to get onto the bus.
Grammy picked me up, I saw all the people, I was so tired they looked like a bunch of monsters on the bus. And it was FULL - Full of Monsters! I was so scared I started to scream and cry. All the monsters on the bus looked at me. They had mean faces. Grammy held me tight so I would not be scared. I closed my eyes and slept on Grammy the entire way home.

When I woke up at the bus station all the monsters were gone. They turned into people again. I was happy.

That was my first bus ride, and what a ride it was.

Little R The Bubbins August 19, 2007

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