Sunday, October 29, 2006

Salem, MA

Although we've lived in Mass forever for years we never visited Salem during the Halloween season although the history is there --- Last year my sil and I and some of the kids, who are not really kids anymore took the train out of North Station and walked the streets of Salem for hours. There was a bike run among other festivities taking place, and we had a blast, so we went this year again....

It was quieter without my grandson Johnny, whom I missed dearly because of his innocence, but he really wasnt interested in going, too scary grammy he said... but it was a nice windy day, lots of costumes were abound and the spirits were good.... so we went not for a long day, but a nice day.... and i wish i had more of them....

what really bugged me out however was my oldest daughter blew me off, she never answered her phone... then my youngest said to me, she said r is going to die. so that was something i didnt need to hear, or to have to ponder, as what is it about older females in families, they think it is their right to tell youngers stuff the teller thinks the listener needs to know. Some times it sucks having older and younger children, the olders ones have some type of authority vision that exists if only in their own minds, the younger ones think ''''' things are kept from them""""" well.... what ever it is the oldest one just pissed me off to no end today, and of course when i talked to her she has a different story all together, and i didnt mention the burden she dumped on her sister's brain, because she thinks it is her right to tell her what she thinks and feels regardless of what i think is appropriate. arghhh .... im ready to snap!!... halloween is two days away, tomorrow the treadmill goes into the old tv room, and the plan is in place to take off some of this weight i seem to just keep gaining ... too much stress doesnt help. Help would be wonderful ... i found a great magnet quote... dwell in the possibility... i am dwelling in the possibility that my son has come to his senses and locked him self away. even though i dont know if that is true. amen i say amen.

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