Sunday, December 11, 2005


the snow came quick
all was covered
the tree limbs and branches and even the
signs along the road look sprayed with white corn
or cotton
p.j.hernon was out in his truck with his dog
they both wore hats
looking forward driving along
christmas lights
peeking through the snow crested trees
and fences and porches and rooftops
for as far as eyes could see

i pray for my friend Bob Glavin
i pray he gets well
My love hate relationship of this season continues
i have yet to purchase one gift
i have yet to get my tree or my lights up on my house
i am losing it.

i told my boss i have an interview for a job
if i get into the program it wont be until january--- i told her on the 9th of december that means... it would be almost a months notice.....
she started to cry, i felt badly, but i cant
i have been telling her for weeks she needed to find someone
i am tired of her complaint, "i hate working early, i cant get into the office"
there is no certainty here .... i wanted her to understand
but she pressed, call your boss, they cant do that, they must give you a date
but that is not how it is, and she knows that
i did call one of my bosses, he told me the same, what does she think i am going to do, call and get myself throw out before i even get in.... is a game..all a fn game...
she is the one who decided to go to europe for 3 weeks....
i will write poetry and next week get ready for xmazz haha.. or Christmas

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