Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday November 18

Everyone in the house sick with a bug... lots to do to get ready for the holiday.  No words can express the difficulty of this past month.  But I will go on the is a certainty... saw Babs the other day, she and I in the same in the same way different but the same, much as the rest from the party last night... not too much into the drinking seen and by the time i peeled away the skin from working...and became myself it was late in the night.  Watched Hope Springs with F.... he found the Tommy Lee Jones character difficult to connect to...much as I found Meryl Streeps character not to match me very much.... it just didn't apply to us    I am too out spoken and don't let things go and F he too I think.  Why be married> if you are living like you are alone?  that was the main question.  Fix it or it doesn't work yup that was it.  So the woman took charge.

Sounds like my job, lazy men who only want to do what has to be done nothing more...typical and none of them have an artistic or creative depth to them at all  They drive me nuts...and I wonder why I don't belong.
anyway a few photos will be fun to add today

hummm what shall i pick from

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