Sunday, August 26, 2012

just wandering

I love the new app for the iphone on the blogger, it is easy for me to write a quick thought or post a few pics as a break from what ever or whomever.... just a release and it works well much better than the previous app...otherwise... the apple help desk ruined my iphone apps, i lost all my music and well it just makes me angry but there is nothing i can do about it now, misinformation and that is the point, i might someday sit down and try to fix it all but i don't know if it is even worth the time.  it takes devotion to stay up to date with all of that.

currently I am suffering with a nasty sinus cold and could just stay in bed all day, but I am trying to work it out of me doing a bit of cleaning and later will sit in the sun and hope that rest will help retire the bug...I hate so getting this seasonal cold, it seems as if I always get one in September...but it is has come early and hopefully it will leave me before my hub and i escape to my favorite place on earth for right now in my life anyway...I think we change as we age.... I never before felt the need to escape to run away to just convalesce...but now I do ...I need pampering and anyone ever too old for such?

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