Friday, August 31, 2012

August outta here

Sitting outside south station. Waiting and waiting. It is almost 330. I am sick. I don't know If I have enough gas to take us where we are going. Things are spiraling downward. I feel as if this will never end

Sunday, August 26, 2012


He calls me from there
The place where his children are
The place where the mother sleeps and sleeps anger persists
I want to let him come here with the children but I can't

just wandering

I love the new app for the iphone on the blogger, it is easy for me to write a quick thought or post a few pics as a break from what ever or whomever.... just a release and it works well much better than the previous app...otherwise... the apple help desk ruined my iphone apps, i lost all my music and well it just makes me angry but there is nothing i can do about it now, misinformation and that is the point, i might someday sit down and try to fix it all but i don't know if it is even worth the time.  it takes devotion to stay up to date with all of that.

currently I am suffering with a nasty sinus cold and could just stay in bed all day, but I am trying to work it out of me doing a bit of cleaning and later will sit in the sun and hope that rest will help retire the bug...I hate so getting this seasonal cold, it seems as if I always get one in September...but it is has come early and hopefully it will leave me before my hub and i escape to my favorite place on earth for right now in my life anyway...I think we change as we age.... I never before felt the need to escape to run away to just convalesce...but now I do ...I need pampering and anyone ever too old for such?

Friday, August 24, 2012

August 25th,

cooler mornings came in nearly a week ago...since then the mid day is the warmest part of the day, calling me home, calling me to come out and play as the heat and sweet sun will not last more than that 4 hours just isnt enough
f says lets retire to florida, i cant even think about retiring right now, then i read, so and so and so and so and so and so 59, 62, 63 and so forth have died... it could be the end of life at any moment, but i have not lived to my fullest potential as of yet...i have not rewritten my novel or my fairy tales or anything really.... where is that paper for the haiku's ...geesh ive got to get in focus or it will be gone.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Just want to believe

I just want to believe that all things are for a reason. All trials come to an end and that justice is served correctly. But lately I have my doubts. Some people just can't see beyond themselves. There are other things out here waiting wanting and touchable. Don't bother to give to those who don't appreciate the value of you

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Going home

Fourteen years since my Dad passed and my husband quahogged. Thanks to my grandson a milestone today