Wednesday, April 25, 2012


26 polyps. My God how did it happen


Here at newton Wellesley and freezing. Long night with prep. Mouth taste like sewer. Brushed my teeth 3 times and I still feel yucky. My eyes are funny taking a long time to see things. My belly not so rumbly but I will be more relaxed when this is over. It may be routinte but I am being a big baby. Ugh

Thursday, April 19, 2012

how foolish

i still have that utopianism in me that people do the right things but yesterday i was again faced with the fact that my people, my employees are like high school students or the lessor and just dont get it.
especially someone who is nice to my face and writes lies on paper, it is really disgusting. play play they will..and so will i
done with them all
it has got to stop

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

another day in ####

that is what i am looking at
yek.... God help me is all i can say

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Like babies vision unclear looking at the list craving ot

It makes me sick


It sucks working with lying cheating dogs

Sunday, April 08, 2012


I love Easter, it is a bright and fresh reminder that we are coming out of the winter and into the spring. Weather wise we had a great winter only 8 inches of snow which is rare by far
have so many thoughts in my head and for a bit i was just so out of it. managing now to make a little space for myself. oh how i love it.
Hope everyone has a happy day!

Friday, April 06, 2012


very very difficult March in to April

March came in like a lion...for me that is for sure. I don't even know how I made it through it, it was like I was going to have a complete meltdown somewhere in the middle of it all. I had a little bruch for Heather and 4 days later she had Little Lynkoln who is really sooo cute.I just want to cuddle him up. I worry but I am not supposed to and that is just how it is.

Work is still bad and I have no idea what is going to come of it all but I have to keep on disciplining and try to get them to come on board ...Some of them will I think but not all of them.

It is APril and I;ve had more enery, I cooked baked stuffed chicken, made homemade chicken noodle soup, and a lasagna this week.... so that is good...a sign i am getting a little better...
depression comes in to my life because life is not always easy and sometimes i just need a break.
worrying about everyone doesn't help.
took a picture of me with my chickie hair and mom...will post later
just feeling the release of the gloom finally and the is the best thing for me...besides driving Dianna each am is exhausting...she doesnt even realize it. i just have to make sure i get up really early for a minute to myself..
today finish the easter shopping..can't believe it..Easter wow

very very difficult March in to April

March came in like a lion...for me that is for sure. I don't even know how I made it through it, it was like I was going to have a complete meltdown somewhere in the middle of it all. I had a little bruch for Heather and 4 days later she had Little Lynkoln who is really sooo cute.I just want to cuddle him up. I worry but I am not supposed to and that is just how it is.

Work is still bad and I have no idea what is going to come of it all but I have to keep on disciplining and try to get them to come on board ...Some of them will I think but not all of them.

It is APril and I;ve had more enery, I cooked baked stuffed chicken, made homemade chicken noodle soup, and a lasagna this week.... so that is good...a sign i am getting a little better...
depression comes in to my life because life is not always easy and sometimes i just need a break.
worrying about everyone doesn't help.
took a picture of me with my chickie hair and mom...will post later
just feeling the release of the gloom finally and the is the best thing for me...besides driving Dianna each am is exhausting...she doesnt even realize it. i just have to make sure i get up really early for a minute to myself..
today finish the easter shopping..can't believe it..Easter wow