Sunday, September 05, 2010


This has always been my favorite month, the heat of the summer usually wanes, we close the pool, kids go back to school, even though there is more traffic in the morning, the days seem less crowded and the nights more peaceful, restful...this summer was the busiest summer on this homestead.... between people moving in, the 90 degree temps and the availability of the dinner table, the house has been jumping: nine for dinner nearly 5 days a week, the pool being used at all hours of the day and night, and the air conditioners pumping... whew... i am taking a deep breath....

the best view of this summer has been the watching of my morning glories that blumed slowly, lack of rain most likely the culprit.... but now they'r in full blume and every morning when i leave for work they are there to greet me wide awake --- a treasure to my eyes...

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