Friday, September 10, 2010

sept 10...

well well... today is the day before the wedding... all things must be packed and ready by 5pm our leave time... it should be fun to say the least if not interesting aside.

the best man severed his tendon in his finger creating a chain reaction of events... as he was a driver and he can no longer my brother is now picking up the slack and driving for i will be worried all day....driving back and forth and round and round is not my cup of tea...

a good drive is motoring to a place--- pondering the roadside along the way, relaxing in the mire of the hills and curves and traffic if you must...and then you the comfort of the place you've anticipated, even if it is a crowd such as in times sq, at the stadium, a sandy beach, overstuffed chair, bed or the arms of someone you love --- greeting you...

turn it around and travel home

home sometimes unappreciated... and why... housework...if only we had maids... too much commotion.... so many children.... but those are the things we love too... clean house and bright smiles.. and a dinner table with stuff to chew on...mentally and physically...

since i am avoiding all the things i must do by writing here i must say adeiu

Thursday, September 09, 2010


so very tired today, those 12 hour days kill me lately... lots to do between work and getting to the drs and finishing getting ready for the weekend...Mom has decided to go with my brother to the wedding... i would have liked her to spend some time with my family but it is her choice and it will probably be better for her.

i feel a slight change in the weather ... a bit cooler but i think i will survive...only 12 days til f and i take off and try to relax ...there is always a crisis here it is very exhausting.M has a job interview ...i hope all goes well...and then there is school for di tomorrow... i dont know what is really going on... i worry every day my stomach churns and i wish things were easier in the world... the world isnt nice...if you are one who never has to struggle you are lucky...i feel as if my entire life has been a struggle... and that kind of sucks... it shouldnt have to be that hard shouldnt....
found out Andrew likes to paint...that is funny...not many men admit it.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

sept 8

i missed yesterday,
but i wrote for 2 on the day before
is that cheating?

i am late this morning, lethergic, no desire to battle with those who just dont get it, why no do it in 8 that's it

the wedding is just two days off... i am working only today and tomorrow then i have a mini vaca with the family...
i hope they have resolved their issues enough to be together for so many days.

it is family, adolescent family, young children family, tween familys...they all have different dynamics...
and i wish i didnt have to go to work as i could stay home and get stuff done...but that aint happening...
on ward

Monday, September 06, 2010


my fiscal year.

write everyday even if i have nothing to say
even if there is no inspiration
even if it is insignificant
on paper

labor day

starts slowing
sunshine slipping through the window
swaying sway sill in the pool deep
scent soothing lotion peppermint or roses
on the feet
dew --- the grass newly cut
sausages frittering in the pan
eggs rolling over
muffins brown edges waving
white plates silver clicking
coffee and juices and conversation
lingering on the best of days
long hush why don't you stay?

Sunday, September 05, 2010


This has always been my favorite month, the heat of the summer usually wanes, we close the pool, kids go back to school, even though there is more traffic in the morning, the days seem less crowded and the nights more peaceful, restful...this summer was the busiest summer on this homestead.... between people moving in, the 90 degree temps and the availability of the dinner table, the house has been jumping: nine for dinner nearly 5 days a week, the pool being used at all hours of the day and night, and the air conditioners pumping... whew... i am taking a deep breath....

the best view of this summer has been the watching of my morning glories that blumed slowly, lack of rain most likely the culprit.... but now they'r in full blume and every morning when i leave for work they are there to greet me wide awake --- a treasure to my eyes...