Sunday, June 07, 2009


Sacrifice isnt always giving yourself to the dragon...A sacrifice and be giving yourself to an Avatar --- for others to enjoy --- D' created of herself, very close to whom she can be sometimes, I found out today that she doesnt mind her own business, and the kids are getting older and boy are they making life interesting.

Today was a horrid day, while sorting out clothes in the back closet I suddenly thought, hummm the walk way has to go, so that with that, MM took the sledge hammer and away it went... then the trip to Lowe's and the decisions and the parade in between, St took the kids, thank goodness but I missed the fun with them, however the walk way was ever more pressing, and as Fred says, I start more projects and have more things going at once, yes yes I do, but it will get finished is my reply quicker... and i do manage to get things finished soooo ---hahah..stop me now --- dream on dream on... and how I wish I could but time is passing by and here I am at this computer instead of working within my plan.

Surprisingly enough the new medication seems to be helping my legs, I just hate the thought that i could be messing with my heart... oh well, if i cant walk what is the sense of beating about any way, my heart beating....and that is just how i feel --- if i cant keep going just put me in the ground --

Tomorrow D graduates and embarks on a new journey, just as Fred and I ....11 weeks non smoking ---- a reason for a big party..oh yes it is. Hooray for Fred!!

keep it going on.

The pool should be ready by weeks end, and then the fun begins, everything is moving along as planned.... Mom's b day is next Saturday... I wonder if I can get out of work early, oh well must remember to mail a card and something else if I can't...
cant wait til tomorrow...Yahoo Dianna!!!

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