Friday, December 19, 2008

Just a jaunt

This Thanksgiving I had a wonderful overnight trip to New York City with my grandson, and my husband ----in tow --- I say my husband was in tow because he never traveled to NYC with us before, and Johnny and I, when we get to the city, we spark, we awaken, we perk.

It was the middle of the afternoon by the time we checked into our hotel room. We had dinner, then it was after 6. My husband was tired, he wanted his constitutional nap.

Johnny was excited and unable to rest -- as was I. We put on our walking faces and went to Rockerfeller Center first.... we visited the ice rink, Prometheus, the Nintendo store. Johnny remembered it being there last year --- Then we took our usual jaunt down 5th avenue. By the time we could see Central Park it was very dark, and the air had a chill, but we stuck together and stopped to gaze at window displays in Bergdorf and Goodman.

Ever since I've been visiting NYC -- these are the windows that entice, pique, and satisfy something in me beyond the material or any holiday wrapping, these windows cling to me as a spiritual gift --- satisfying something in side my heart and mind....

and this night I saw my mother's eye, Can you see it? My mother make cakes and she made them before I can even remember...and this window...posted before --- cakes rich with decorator's frosting is her style,and although she couldnt be with us on this trip, I saw her and will always see her when I look at this...

After our 15 block walk, Johnny begged, can't we take a ride Grammy -- You see- in one of those bicycle taxis... and I said, Johnny, let's see what it cost?

A young man called to us, Hey do you want a ride? His accent was foreign what nation I do not know, not Spanish but Mediterranean? and we said how much, 20 bucks he said, Where are you going? 44th and 6th. We climbed in...

He rode with abandon down 5th Avenue, Johnny yelled and called out with joy! Woah Wow, ahha and The taxi driver pedaled faster swerving in an out between cars. I held onto the side -- whoosh whoosh we rode.... Johnny and I grinned foolishly at each other when we came to a red light but didn't stop fully, the driver pedaled backwards... and forwards and off again we went with the flow of yellow taxis and Christmas lights glittering in our eyes.

The best ride for one of our best walks. When we got back to the hotel, Papa was awake and ready to go out to Times Square, he'd never been there before, and even though it was crowded, he willingly walked up to the Hersey's store where he bought the freshest GoodNPlenty on we usually do... only this time, he was there. And he even liked it. What more to be Thankful for? The Parade, and oh it was just as good as seeing it on tv, only Better coz it was a perfect day in November.

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