Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Wow where has time gone

Let me think,

my back went out...that was totally horrid, and at this stage i cant remember when it happened exactly, but i know i was suffering from about dec 17th til after the new year, and then suddenly as if it had never happened i returned to my only half injured self, i joined a gym, and i am trying very hard to be organized and take care of myself --- at that is the key to taking care of myself, if i am organized, i dont get so stressed and that i how i get to do the things i want to do for myself...since going into this job two years ago... it is like wow...where did i go, as i am the same but not, i guess i am stronger now and find it easier to say no... but i am still the same inside, my heart still hurts at this sights and sounds of someone else's pain... so i live with that...

let me go back...

well my husband and daughter...i say, daughter's idea and husband's wallet planned a surprise party for my 50th arghh...i dont know how i made it through that was a wonderful gift to me, and i appreciate it totally but the $$$ geesh i could have bought a new fence for less then sense and sensiblity is still sticking me.... stop stop stop... i have some great photos my sister took but i have yet to get to scanning them...i put them in the book they made me... and sisters are just the greatest that is all i can say about them... and it is just sometimes so sad for me as i am do busy that i dont have a moment to breath...and i just forget to do the things i love to can that possibly be is just the way it is.... but i am going to get my thankyou notes finished in time for valentines day and that will be my plan....

so they had the big party...arghh...then Christmas came and we got the wii games and the competition started...but .... we havent played much lately ...we celebrated two BIG birthdays, the baby is 18 ....and the other younger is could this have happened.... we went to the midevil manor.... lol wrong spelling ...with the 18 year old and the 21 year old had a roast beef dinner and a 28 dollar bottle of merlot which isnt a lot to pay for a bottle of wine, but at least it was a decent one... two birthday weekends...never mind two nephews who also celebrated their special day too... something else i have to take care of this week... but boss... he called on me to do something to help him out..and i am ... but i am trying to figure if he means for me to do this forever.... he wants me to move into the office in the front but i refused saying i like the office i have...and i do is away from the front of the building and private, plus i have my own bathroom.... which is the best... so that has taken me to now... the failure of me writing and doing anything but taking care of holidays kids birthdays and recovering from my dancing frenzy at my party...oh my God...was that me??? anyway i will live with this til i die.

And that brings me to the current status of my dear husband....who had Vertigo and has taken the medicine incorrectly and is so sick that it is scaring me.... so i pray that he starts to feel better soon, coz i dont know how much i can take him feeling so crappy.

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