Tuesday, December 11, 2007

taking care of business....

my bouts of back misery have not helped my preparation for the upcoming holiday...although i have two tiny deer waiting to be placed upon the postage stamp lawn ... they remain in the house getting moved from living room to dining room to kitchen ... they have been tasted by the cat numerous times and sniffed by the dog, knocked over by children and grandchildren, and yet not one big person --- there are many in this house, has thought to place them outside where they belong, initiative -- is there any?

of course if i instructed someone to take them out side and set them up i am sure it would have been done...but i realize too.... sometimes the elders do take it upon him or her self to take or do whatever and the repercussion is .....the district attorney arrives with a zillion questions ...and there are no acceptable answers when one has not asked yet taken, however this is a performance issue.... i do think i will put the little deer out today ignoring everything else i must do -- first the giant wreath...the little deer and they do need a little tree... yes...and we need a little tree too... perhaps i will stop and get one on the way home....that might actually help to hasten my holiday pacing which is a bit on the up hill.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


December ---

deceased one Uncle Junior
name in paper
no phone call
just the living listed
no one from the past, those already in the grave, not mentioned...
yet remembered...
those living remember, and remembered, and called....
yet the wonderment goes on --
how or why did this happen.

we will go to the wake for remembrance, one cannot change the past
only learn from it...

i learned alot from my mil.... some of what i do not want to be, and also some what i would like to be....

so far this month has completely filled all negative space with something dark and the unknown -- tears.... lots of them --- i wait for Christmas to come and go.... be gone I think, not that it isnt a good time when it gets here, but the angst before it is a killer...and the people around me --- at work, at home, and elsewhere, the tension of dealing with just day to day stuff.... and then the holidays... wow... what a storm.....

Thursday, December 06, 2007


let's see.... on task...but not so sure we made goal today... the clerks are pushing me one way but i am going to push back...tomorrow i am going to make sure i get things the way i want...friggn ds is driving me nuts get out of my face ...arghhh and that is that...cant wait til sun and mon... days off yahooo....

the power of a voice....

after my father passed away my mother kept my father's message on the answering maching for the longest time...after awhile someone said, dont you think it is time, but right now at this time i would love to hear my dad's voice and have his calm, after all he was in management for a long time and he was a strong leader with a way about him ... get people to do what they had to do, and it isnt easy working fot he tax man....so i say cheers to the voices of the dead.... and it would be nice to have a library of them....just some thoughts.

Monday, December 03, 2007

test that didnt work

i used to be able to upload my stuff from word..now it doesnt work...i have to figure that one out. ive become lazy though...wrote the little story...then added some jpegs from the net ...but none copied ...oh well another learn...

Go Patriots...Dont lose faith in yourselves!!

this is a test

A Bub Adventure

By Grammy
From December 2, 2007

Today, Grammy came to Nana's to get me, but I was a little crabby.
Then Nana said, "Do you want to go watch football with Papa and then come back?" I nodded yes and Nana put me in the car seat in Grammy's car.

First we went shopping to the Hilltop for steak, but I fell asleep. Then we went to the pet store. WOW I've never been there before.

First I saw doggies coming out of the store. Hummm, doggies in a store I have never seen that.

When we got into the store, I saw fishes, so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn't count them all if I wanted to. The store had fish tanks lined up against the walls. In each tank there was one kind of fish.
In one tank there were Neons.
In another tank there were Clown fish, in another tank there were Striper fish, and there was Catfish, and even Angel fish. Do you believe it?

I loved looking at those fishes. Grammy had to drive me away.

In the pet store there was a Dog training class going on. In the class there was a huge husky dog that was taller than me. I was afraid of him and told Grammie, “I want to see the fishes.”

Then I saw two beagles, a cocker spaniel, and a dog that looked like Auntie Sybil's new dog Kimba .

I went to see the guniea pigs but there was only one and it was a little fat one and it was scary as it was scurrying around.
There was not a hamster in the store because Santa had taken all the ones they had to the North Pole. Hum, I sure would have liked to see one.

After that I saw the birdies. They did not have any big birds, but they had beautiful Doves, they were chubby and gray, and sitting close together in their cage.
There were little Finches too and Blue birds that were singing.
I said to Grammy, "They are going to escape, and fly away," and I held my hands up and flutter my fingers in the air. Grammy said I did not have to worry because they were still in their cages and couldn't get me. Oh yeah, that's right.

In the lizard section I got to see a Gecko, but he was the only one, too. Where are all the pets I wondered?

Next, I stopped by to see the adoptable cats. These are not baby kittens, but grown cats that people do not want any more. I would have liked to bring one to Grammy’s, but Grammy said one cat is all we can have. I did not put my fingers in the cage, just like Grammy said.

They were all cute, but I wanted to see the fishes again, so back to the fishes we went. I wanted one of those fishes and I said to Grammy, just one fishy to take home, so Grammy looked around and found the male - Beta fish. It is just one fish in a little tank just right for me.

I held my Beta fish in the carriage as we went to the check out. Grammy said I could not shake it or it would die, so I didn't.
Grammy asked the man if my fish could take the cold outside. The man said, "Yes!" So I held onto my Beta fish in the carriage.

As we were leaving the store we passed by the spot where dogs were getting brushed and haircuts. Groomed. We watched them for a long time. They groomed a white fuzzy poodle, and a little black cha-cha dog, and a big big wrinkly dog and then a long hair Australian sheep herder dog. Well I don’t know what kind of dog it was but it looked like the dog from Babe the Pig only it had little legs. After a bit we had to leave cause Grammy said it was getting late. I could have stayed there all day.

At Grammy's house my fish sat on the table. Grammy asked what I was going to name my fish. I told her Dolly. And that is my fish’s name, Dolly. I let Dolly sleep over at Grammy and Papa's house. I can't wait to see him next week.

The End.

another Bub adventure

Today Grammy came to Nana's to get me, but I was a little crabbby. Then Nana said, "Do you want to go watch football with Papa and then come back?" I nodded yes and Nana put me in the carseat in Grammy's car.

First we went shopping to the Hilltop for steak, but I fell asleep. Then we went to the pet store. WOW I've never been there before.

I saw fishes, so many different kinds of fishes I couldn't count them all if I wanted to. The store had fish tanks all lined up against the wall. In each tank there was one kind of fish, like in one tank there were NEONs in another tank there were Clown fish, in another tank there were Striper fish, and there was Catfish, and even Angel fish. Do you believe it? I loved looking at those fishes.

In the pet store there was a Dog training class going on. In the class there was a huge husky dog that was taller than me. I was afraid of him.

I also saw two beagles, a cocker spaniel, and a dog that looked like Auntie Sybil's new dog Kimba.

After that I went to see the Genie Pigs and the hamsters, but there was not a hamster in the store. They said they were waiting until next week for new hamsters because Santa had taken all the ones they had to the North Pole. Hummm, I sure would have liked to see one.

After that I saw the birdies. They did not have any big birds, but they had beautiful Doves, they were fat and sitting close together in their cage. There were little Finches too and Blue birds that were singing. I said to Grammy, "They are going to escape, and fly away," and I was scared. But Grammy said, I did not have to worrry because they were still in thier cages and couldnt get me. Oh yeah, that's right.

In the lizard section I got to see a Gecko, but he was the only one.

Next I stopped by to see the adoptable cats. These are not baby cats, but grown cats that people do not want any more. I would like to get one but Grammy said one cat is all we can have.

They were all cute, but I wanted to see the fishes again so back to the fishes we went. I wanted one of those fishes and I said to Grammy, just one fishy to take home, so Grammy looked around and found the Beta fish. It is just one fish in a little tank just right for me.

I held my Beta fish in the carriage as we went to the check out. Grammy said I could not shake it or it would die, so I didn't. Grammy asked the man if my fish could take the cold outside. The man said, "Yes!" So I held onto my Beta fish in the carriage.

As we were leaving the store we passed by the spot where dogs were getting brushed and haircuts. Groomed. We watched them for a long time. They groomed a white fuzzy poodle, and a little black chichua, and a big big wrinkly dog and then a long hair austrialia sheep herder dog. Well i dont know what kind of dog it was but it looked like the dog from Babe the Pig only it had little legs. After a bit we had to leave cause Grammy said it was getting late. I could have stayed there all day.

At Grammy's house my fish sat on the table. Grammy asked what I was going to name my fish. I told her Dolly. And that is my fishes name, Dolly. I let Dolly sleep over at Grammy and Papa's house. I can't wait to see him next week.
